Gastroenterology Flashcards
A condition in which a portion of the bowel invaginates or telescopes into an adjacent segment, usually proximal to the ileocecal valve
Most common cause of bowel obstruction in first 2 years of life (males more than females). Usually seen between 3mo and 3y of age.
Cause is often unknown
Risk factors include conditions with potential lead points like Meckel’s, intestinal lymphoma (older than 6years), Henoch-Shonlein purpura, parasites, polyps, adenovirus or rotavirus, celiac disease, and CF
Intussusception history and exam
1) Presents with abrupt-onset, colicky abdominal pain in apparently healthy children, often accompanied by flexed knees and vomiting. Child may appear well in between episodes if intussusception is released
2) Class triad is abdominal pain, vomit and bloody mucis in stool* (curant jelly stool). This stool finding is late and hemoccult positive
3) On exam, look for abdominal tenderness, a positive stool guaiac, a palpable sausage-shaped RUQ abdominal mass, and absence of bowel in RLQ (“empty” on palpation)
Dx and Tx for intussusception
1) Abdominal plain films are often normal early in the disease, but later they may show SBO, perf, or soft tissue mass. US is test of choice and may show target sign.
2) Correct any volume or lyte issues. Check CBC for leukocytosis and consider NGT for decompression
3) in setting of high clinical suspicion, an air-contrast barium enema should be done ASAP as it is diagnostic in over 95% of cases and curative in more than 80%. If kid is unstable or has peritoneal signs or if enema reduction is unsuccessful, perform surgical reduction and resection of gangrenous bowel
Pyloric stenosis
Hypertrophy of pyloric sphincter, leading to gastric outlet obstruction. More common in firstborn males. Associated with TEFs, a maternal history of pyloric stenosis, and erythromycin ingestion
History and exam of pyloric stenosis
1) Nonbilious emesis typically begins around 3w of age and progresses to projectile emesis after most or all feedings
2) Babies initially feed well but eventually suffer from malnutrition and dehydration
3) Exam may reveal palpable olive-shaped, mobile, nontender epigastric mass and visible gastric peristaltic waves
Dx of pyloric stenosis
1) Abdominal US is the imaging modality of choice and reveals a hypertrophic pylorus
2) Barium studies show a narrow pyloric channel (string sign) or a pyloric beak.
Classic metabolic issue is hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis (persistent emesis of HCl)
Tx of pyloric stenosis
1) Correct existing dehydration and acid-base/lyte issues.
2) Surgical correction with pyloromyotomy
Caused by failure of the omphalomesenteric (or vitelline) duct to obliterate. Resulting heterotopic gastric tissue causes ulcers and bleeding.
Most common congenital abnormality of the small intestine, affecting up to 2% of children (more in males). Most frequently occurs in kids less than 2years old.
History and exam for Meckel’s
1) Typically ASx, and often discovered incidentally
2) Classically presents with sudden, intermittent, painless rectal bleeding
3) May result in complications such as intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis (which may mimic acute appendicitis), volvulus, and intussusception
Dx of Meckel’s
1) A meckel scintigraphy (Tc99m pertechnetate; detects ectopic gastric tissue) is diagnostic
2) Plain films have limited value but can be useful in diagnosing obstruction or perforation
Tx of Meckel’s
In presence of active bleeding, treatment is surgical excision of the diverticulum together with the adjacent ileal segment (ulcers frequently develop in adjacent ileum)
Rule of 2s
Refers to Meckel’s
1) Most common in children under 2
2) 2x more in males
3) 2 types of tissue (pancreatic and gastric)
4) 2 inches long
5) Found within 2 feet of ileocecal valve
6) 2% of population
Hirschsprung’s Disease
Congenital lack of ganglion cells in distal colon, leading to uncoordinated peristalsis reduced motility. Associated with male gender, Down Syndrome, Waardenburg’s, and MEN2
History and exam of Hirschsprung
1) Neonates present with failure to mass meconium within 48h after birth, accompanied by bilious vomiting and FTT. Children with less severe lesions may present later in life with chronic constipation
2) Physical exam may show abdominal distension and explosive discharge of stool following rectal exam. Lack of stool in rectum or abnormal sphincter tone.
dx of Hirschsprung
1) Barium enema is the imaging study of choice and reveals a narrowed distal colon with proximal dilation. Plain films reveal distended bowel loops with a paucity of air in rectum
2) Anorectal manometry detects failure of the internal sphincter to relax after distention of the rectal lumen. It is typically used in atypical presentations or older kids
3) Rectal biopsy confirms dx and reveals absence of the myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus and submucosal (Meissner’s) plexus along with hypertrophied nerve trunks enhanced with acetylcholinesterase stain