Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
Intrauterine risk factors for congenital heart disease
1) Maternal drug use (alcohol, lithium, thalidomide, phenytoin)
2) Maternal infections (rubella)
3) Maternal illness (diabetes, PKU)
How are congenital heart diseases characterized?
By presence or absence of cyanosis
1) Acyonotic conditions (pink babies): L-R shunts. Oxygenated blood from lungs is shunted back into pulm circulations
2) Cyanotic conditions (blue babies): R-L shunts. Deoxygenated blood is shunted into systemic circulation
What are some examples of acyanotic vs cyanotic heart conditions?
Acyonitc = 3 Ds.
1) vsD
2) asD
3) PDA
Cyanotic = 5 Ts
1) Truncus arteriosus = ONE arterial vessel overriding the ventricles
2) Transposition of the great vessels = TWO arteries switched
3) TRIcuspid atresia (THREE)
4) TETRAlogy of Fallot (FOUR)
5) Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (FIVE words)
Which cyanotic heart defect causes severe cyanosis within the first few hours of life?
Transposition of the great vessels
A condition in which an opening in the ventricular septum allows blood btw the ventricles
This is the #1 cause of congenital heart disease.
More common among patients with Apert’s Syndrome (cranial deformities, fusion of fingers and toes), Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, TORCH syndrome, cri du chat and trisomies 13 and 18
What disorders is VSD linked to?
1) Apert’s Syndrome
2) Down Syndrome
3) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
5) Cri du Chat
6) Trisomy 13
7) Trisomy 18
History and physical for VSD
1) Small defects: Usually ASx at birth, but exam reveals harsh holosystolic murmur heard best at lower L sternal border
2) Large defects: Can present as frequent respiratory infections, dyspnea, FTT, and CHF. If present, the holosystolic murmur is softer and more blowing but can be accompanied by a systolic thrill, crackles, hepatomegaly, a narrow S2 with an increased P2, and a mid-diastolic apical rumble reflecting higher flow across mitral valve
Dx of VSD
ECG can show LVH and may show both LVH and RVH with larger VSDs
CXR may show cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings
Tx of VSD
1) Most small VSDs close on their own; ASx patients should be monitored via Echo. Abx ppx may be considered during procedures but is indicated only if VSD was previously repaired with prosthetic material
2) Surgical repair is indicated in symptomatic patients who fail medical management, children younger than 1 year with signs of pulm HTN, and older kids with large VSDs that have not decreased in size over time
3) Treat existing CHF with diuretics (initial tx), inotropes and ACEIs
Condition in which an opening in the atrial septum allows blood to flow btw atria, leading to L-R shunting.
Associated with Holt-Oram Syndrome (absent radii, ASD, first degree heart block), fetal alcohol syndrome and Down syndrome
History and physical for ASD
1) Ostium primum defects present in early childhood with findings of a murmur or fatigue with exertion (also seen in Down syndrome). Ostium secundum defects (more common) tend to present in late childhood or early adulthod. Symptom onset and severity depend on size of the defect
2) Symptoms of easy fatigability, frequent respiratory infections, and FTT may be observed, but patients are frequently ASx
3) Exam reveals a RV heave; a wide and fixed, split S2; and a systolic ejection murmur at the L upper sternal border (from increased flow across pulmonary valve). May also be a mid-diastolic rumble at L lower sternal border
Dx of ASD
ECHO with color flow. Doppler reveals blood flow btw atria (diagnostic), paradoxical ventricular wall motion, and a dilated RV
ECG may show RVH and right atrial enlargement. PR prolongation is common
CXR shows cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings
Tx of ASD
1) Close to 90% of defects close spontaneously, and most do not require treatment
2) Surgical or catheter closure is indicated in infants with CHF and in patients with more than a 2:1 ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow. Early correction prevents complications such as arrhythmias, RV dysfunction and Eisenmenger’s (L-R shunt leads to pHTN which reverses shunt)
ASD and endocardial cushion defects
Down Syndrome
Congenital rubella
Coarctation of Aorta
Turner’s (may also have bicuspid aortic valve)