🍔Gastro🍔 - Appetite & Thirst Flashcards
What are the common stimuli of thirst?
Body fluid osmolality increases
Blood volume reduced
Blood pressure reduced
What is the most potent stimulus for thirst?
Blood fluid osmolality strongest by far
What hormone regulates osmolality?
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)/Vasopressin
What is the mechanism of action of ADH?
Acts on the kidneys to regulate the volume & osmolality of urine
Collecting duct - Aquaporin 2 channel
When plasma ADH is low a large volume of urine is excreted (water diuresis)
When plasma ADH is high a small volume of urine is excreted (anti diuresis)
Where is ADH stored?
Posterior pituitary gland
Which receptors are responsible for the regulation of body fluid osmolality?
Outline osmoreceptors
Sensory receptors
Found in the hypothalamus
Which regions of the hypothalamus are osmoreceptors found?
Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT)
Subfornical Organ (SFO)
How do osmoreceptors detect osmolality and affect ADH release?
Cells shrink when plasma more concentrated (water leaves via osmosis)
Proportion of cation channels increases – membrane depolarizes
Send signals to the ADH producing cells to increase ADH production
Leads to fluid retention and increased thirst
Opposite happens when plasma is less concentrated
Explain how the sensation of thirst works
Thirst is decreased by drinking even before sufficient water has been absorbed by the GI tract to correct plasma osmolality
Receptors in mouth, pharynx, oesophagus are involved
Relief of thirst sensation via these receptors is short lived
Thirst is only completely satisfied once plasma osmolality has decreased or blood volume or arterial pressure corrected
Explain how the body reacts to decreased blood pressure, in the context of fluid homeostasis
BP decreases sensed by juxtaglomerular cells - secrete renin
Activates renin-angiotensin system
Angiotensin II Stimulats thirst, vasoconstriction by increasing sympathetic activity, ADH and aldosterone secretion
Aldosterone causes H2O retention via
Na+CL- absorption and K+ excretion
What is the overarching mechanism for body weight homeostasis?
Using the “Biggest Loser” tv show as a study, what phenomenon was exhibited by the contestants that meant most returned to somewhere near their “pre-diet” weight?
Metabolic adaptation to dieting
Decreased caloric intake lead to a long-term reduction in resting metabolic rate
Which area of the brain is responsible for homeostasis of food intake and energy expenditure?
Lateral hypothalamus (feeding centre) - stimulates food intake
Ventromedial hypothalamus (satiety centre) - suppresses appetite
Paraventricular nucleus - integrates orexigenic (appetite-stimulating) and anorectic (appetite-suppressing) signals
Arcuate nucleus - key area for processing feeding signals
Which inputs influence the hypothalamus in the context of balancing food intake and energy expenditure?
Gut hormones - ghrelin, PYY, GLP-1, and others
Neural input - from peripheral systems and other brain regions
Leptin - hormone involved in signalling satiety and energy balance