Gastric Neoplasia I Flashcards
What are the main types of non-neoplastic gastric polyps?
Inflammatory/hyperplastic poylps and
fundic gland polyps, which

What are the neoplastic gastric polyps?
Adenomas-precursors to gastric cancer

Describe hyperplastic gastric polyps
These are developed in the presence primarily (60%) in the antrum of the stomach in the chronic gastric inflammation, partially due to H. pylori infection
These are mostly benign, with only a small risk of dysplasia
Most common non-neoplastic polyp

What are these? Describe them

Fundic gland gastric polyps, commonly found in the more proximal (body or fundus) stomach that are usually small (less than 1 cm(, cystic appearing, and clustered on a background of normal, not inflammed stomach
What causes most fundic gland gastric polyps?
These may be sporadic, associated with PPI use, or associated with FAP and rarely have malignant potential unless associated with FAP
Describe gastric adenomas
These are mostly found in the antrum of the stomach and Almost always occur on a background of chronic gastritis with atrophy and intestinal metaplasia.
They are composed of intestinal-type columnar epithelium that exhibits varying degrees of dysplasia, and the risk of malignancy increases with size, villous lesions, and/or high grade dysplasia

T or F. Gastric adenomas are pre-malignant neoplastic lesions with a high risk of transformation to invasive cancer
T. •Like fundic gland polyps, the incidence of adenomas is increased in individuals with FAP.
These need to be removed endoscopically

What pt. pop gets gastric cancer?
More common in lower SC groups and in developing countries with a 2:1 male predominance and an average onset of around 70 yo
NOTE: There is declining incidence in US of distal gastric cancers except in Caucasiasn aged 29-39
What are the main risk factors for gastric cancer?
- Chronic atrophic gastritis
- Pernicious anemia b/c of change in pH
- Prior gastric surgery b/c of change in pH
- High dietary nitrates
- Adenomatous gastric polyps (precursor)
- Smoking and obesity
- Family history gastric cancer-<10 % (Diffuse type)
- Helicobacter pylori infection (Increases risk 3-6 times)
Nitrite is a carcinogen

Notice the continuing trends of decreased incidence of gastric cancer. What are some main reasons why?

1) Tx H. pylori
2) Refrigeration and decreased meat curing/smoking of meat
3) Increase consumption of vegetables
What are some common symptoms associated with gastric cancer?
- diaphragmatic invasions can lead to chronic hiccups
- early perineural invasion can lead to dull pain
- adjacent tissue infiltration can lead to decreased gastric compliance causing early satiety and contributing to weight loss
- Gastric outlet obstruction-distal lesions may obstruct stomach outlet- these will vomit 2-3 hrs after eating
- Ulceration may lead to anemia or hematoemeis and/or melena

Endoscopy is the main way to diagnose. Biopsy needed for distinction between ulcer and malignancy. 6-8 biopsies taken usually

What are the main types of gastric cancer?
90% adenocarcinoma (two types: intestinal and diffuse)
3% lymphoma
0.2% carcinoid
GI stromal tumor (GIST)