Gas Patterns I Flashcards
ABCs of abdomen patterns
assess gas patterns (distension/displacement)
Check for calcifications (patterns/loc)
xray signs of liver enlargement
- liver projects below costal margin (not too reliable)
- downward displacement of hepatic flexure
- stomach displaced to left + post
- R kidney displaced down
- Lpwer edge cross psaos shadow (most useful sign)
- +/- elevated r diaphragm
What is a riddle lobe and how to differentiate it
normal varient (elongated liver) -extends below iliac crest
Key: R kidney will not be displaced
No clinical sig
common causes of hepatomegaly
fatty liver malignancy Congestive heart failure Hepatitis hemolytic anemia metabolic storage disease
dx tests for hepatomegaly
physical exam
lab (CBC, liver function tests)
US or CT
Splenomegaly clinical pres
asymptomatic (+/- pain in LUQ, L shoulder) fullness w/o eating anemia/fatigue frequent infections easy bleeding
abnormal signs for spenomegaly
-extends below 12th rib to ulbilicus, into the pelvis or across the midline
check for:
- medial displacement of magenblase
- splenic flexure displaced down
- left kidney pushed down _ medial
common causes of splenomegaly
- tumors
- anemias
- connective tissue diseases
- inf
- cirrhosis
- trauma
What is hepatosplenomegaly and imaging signs
-simultaneous enlargement of both spleen/liver
- airless upper quadrents
- inf displacement of bowel gas
- outline of the organs
common causes of unilateral kidney enlargement
congenital (hyperplasia, genesis, duplicated pelvicaval system)
obstructive hydronephrosis (mc stones)
Inf (acute pyelonephritis)
what is acute pyelonephritis and who is it mc in
bac inf of renal pelvis + parenchyma
mc= young women
clinical pres of acute pyelonephritis
fever flank pain CVA tenderness nausea vommiting etc
common causes of bilateral kidney enlargement
diabetic neuropathy acute polynephritis acute glomerulonephritis lymphoma/leukemia polycystic disease sickle cell disease
(all present w smooth pres)
anomalies of kidney and mc
Horseshoe (mc)
Ectopic (pelvic mc (too low), crossed, thoracic)
imaging signs of horseshoe kidney
midline soft tissue mass
dilation of renal calyces system on both sides
lower poles of kidneys point midline
horseshoe kidney w bilateral caliectasis