Gas Exchange Flashcards
What is gas exchange?
- Exchange of substances between animal/plant and surroundings
- Ultimately occurs at cellular level
Why is gas exchange important?
- gas is required by metabolic reactions (Calvin cycle needs CO2)
- gas is produced by metabolic reactions (O2 created through photosynthesis)
- Especially important in respiration and photosynthesis
- most organisms need some level of O2 for energy
Energy flow in aerobic living systems
- photosynthetic organisms; in chloroplasts; CO2 goes in and O2 and carbohydrates come out
- cellular respiration in mitochondria: take in the O2 and other organic molecules and use for respiration; CO2 comes out and ATP produced
Cellular respiration (in humans)
- Take in sugar + oxygen = carbon dioxide + ATP energy
o 3 steps of aerobic respiration; glycolysis, citric acid cycle, phosphorylation)
o Anaerobic: produces lactic acid and only a little bit of ATP (less steps; just glycolysis and fermentation)
Measures of gas availability
- Partial pressures: the pressure of one component in a mixture, were it present by itself (kPa)
- Saturation: amount of gas present in a given volume (mg/L OR ppm)
- Percent: Air is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.04% CO2
** at a given temperature water holds less O2 than air, but roughly the same amounts of CO2**
and oxygen content of water varies with temperature and salinity - Cold water has more oxygen; freshwater has more oxygen
Obligate anaerobes
- survive only under very low oxygen
- use anaerobic respiration or fermentation
- uses something other than O2 in electron transport chain (can be sulfite, nitrate, iron, manganese, mercury etc)
- Oxygen is poison (for various reasons - ex: sulfide based enzymes deactivated by O2 because it transforms sulfide into disulfide)
- ex: Neocallimastix ; in cow rumen - breaks down cellulose
What is colustridium botulinum
- causes botulism
- adults are poisoned by oxygen but endospores aren’t so when there is oxygen they are dormant; as soon as put into anaerobic environment start to grow - problem with home canning
- survive only under very low oxygen (0-10%)
- usually use anaerobic respiration
- mechanisms to counter toxicities of oxygen
- need some oxygen to grow
- ex: campylobacter (cause of gastro)
Faculative anaerobes
- grow best under anaerobic conditions, but not poisoned by oxygen
- ex: ragworm, actinomyces
Obligate aerobes
- use O2 in electron transport chain
- carry out anaerobic cellular respiration BUT only under stress for a short period of time
- two main types of responses: 1) conformers: conform level of oxygen to supply in environment (ex: sea urchin)
2) Regulators: demand may exceed supply - continuum between conformers and regulators
- regulators can only regulate over specific ranges; may regulate at low temps when O2 consumption is lower and then conform at high temps when metabolic rate is high
Critical partial pressure
- Critical oxygen pressure at which
regulators become conformers - May be affected by acclimation/
Oxygen conformers
- internal O2 varies with ambient O2
- metabolic rate depends on internal O2 and therefore ambient O2
- most sedentary marine invertebrates
- many ectotherms, few protozoa
Oxygen regulators
- internal O2 less dependent on ambient O2
- internal O2 is lower than ambient O2
- organisms can regulate how much oxygen it can take from environment since it needs much less than what is available
- metabolic rate maintained when ambient O2 changes within a certain range
- O2 regulates in critical organs (especially vertebrates)
- Rising temperatures means higher metabolic rate which means more O2 required
- gases moving from high to low concentrations
Respiratory structures in animals
- All animals: exchange site
- Large animals: ventilatory system to ensure sufficient volumes pass through the exchange site; circulatory system to transport gases
- Skin
- Gills
- Special “gills”
- Lungs
- Trachea
Respiratory Structure: Skin
- Diffusion is enough for small animals (<1mm); or slightly larger animals if they are really flat
- Unicellular and some multicellular organisms
- No ventilatory or circulatory system
- Even some larger animals have no particularly special respiratory structure
- Marine or aquatic (because dessication is a danger)
- Dense network of capillaries to facilitate exchange
- Ex: catfish, leeches, lungless salamanders, Borneo flat headed frog
Respiratory Structure: Gills
- Outfolding of body’s surface that are suspended in water
- Most aquatic animals
- 3 Kinds:
1) tuft
2) filament
3) lamellar (crustaceans and fish) - Frogs and insects with larval aquatic stages will have gills
- Function to increase surface area and therefore oxygen uptake
- Correlation of activity level and gill development (study: mackerels are fast moving, toad fish are slow moving; mackerel has more extensive gill area)
Respiratory Structure: Special gills
- Book gills in horseshoe crabs; not actually gills, but function same way, waved through water and somewhat enclosed
- Book lungs in spider and scorpions (terrestrial); gill-like structure enclosed in chamber, similar function as gills, plates of highly vascularized tissue arranged like pages of a book, fused to chamber wall and held apart by special structures
Respiratory Structure: Lungs
- Localized respiratory organ
- Entirely internal exchange sites
- Represent an infolding of the body surface; happens during embryonic development
- Divided into numerous pockets
- Occasionally found in aquatic organisms
- Mostly in terrestrial animals to reduce water loss
- Respiratory tree of sea cucumbers, simple marine organism
- Simple lung in some fish (lungfish, only air OR combination of lungs and gills)
- Simple lungs in terrestrial organisms; just sacs (earthworm, terrestrial molluscs, crabs)
- “True” lungs pouching off lower pharynx (tetrapods; some amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals)
- Amphibians with reduced lung (all use skin for some exchange)
- All reptiles have lungs (some simple, some complex)
- Birds, mammals, endotherms require lots of O2 - have complex lungs (humans alveolar lungs w/gas ex. only at alveoli)
- Larger mammals have greater lung volume because more cells need more oxygen
Bird lungs
- Highly efficient
- Air sacs on either side of lung, serve as reservoirs to keep air flowing through the lungs
- Site of gas exchange in parabronchi (tiny air tubes)
- One way system
- Two cycles of inhalation and exhalation required for air to pass through entire system
- Why so important? high altitudes and flying is physically demanding
- Smaller birds have more air sacs than larger birds to be more efficient in O2 uptake because they lose energy faster, higher metabolic rate and must work harder than larger birds to fly same distances
Respiratory Structures: Trachea
- Insects have tracheal tubes
- Limits body size
- Trachea can be 2 micrometers in diameter
- Can close spiracles to limit water loss
- Gas exchange occurs across tracheoles, which can be 0.6 micrometers across
- Trachea and aquatic insects
- Although some have gills, many aquatic or semi-aquatic insects still have trachea
- Some aquatic insects carry air bubbles
into the water with them (ex: diving
beetles) - Some aquatic insects (particularly larvae)
draw air in through tail-end trachea that
they keep at the water surface (ex:
mosquito larvae) - Some can circulate water through their
trachea when they are in the water (ex:
Diffusion barriers
- Present in all respiratory structures
- May be only one cell in width
- Ex: blood-air barrier made of cells linin alveoli (pneumocytes)
- Why is this necessary? keep air bubbles from forming in blood or interstitial fluid in terrestrial, to prevent external fluid from entering unfiltered in aquatic animals
Ventilation systems in animals
- Maintain partial pressure gradients necessary for gas exchange
- keep things moving
- ex: fish use swimming motion to ventilate gills
- Source of O2
- Transport fluids
- Necessary for all animals
- sometimes passive, especially in sessile aquatic and marine organisms
Motile cillia
- organelles projection from cells
- move water along exchange surface
- part of ventilation system
- ex: clams
Muscular use in ventilation
- animal movement that facilitates ventilation
- ex: positioning (blackfly larvae position themselves in the current)
- ex: gill movement (lobsters beat their pleiopods - moving their gills)
Muscular pumping
- Marine worms may use muscular movement to draw water in and out of tubes
- Peristalsis - muscle contraction and relaxation
- more common where respiratory structures are enclosed
- Specialized body appendages; paddles pushes water over gills (crustaceans - in lobster called the Scaphognathite)
- In most fish there is a double-pumping system involving the mouth and the operculum (gill cover):
• Fish opens mouth to draw in some water into gill cavity then closes operculum; then mouth closes and water passes over gills where gas exchange happens at this point pressure from water will cause gill slits to open and water will flow out while mouth remain closed - Sharks and other fish may just keep mouth open because it’s moving anyway - saves energy
Muscular movement
- Most insects no need for ventilation b/c happens passively
- Some larger insects, air sacs near flight muscles help - trachea arranged to pump in at thorax out at abdomen
- Some snails draw air in by raising and lowering mantle wall
- Movement of ribs by intercostal muscles (snakes and other reptiles)
- Movement of diaphragm up and down draws air in and pushes out without help from ribs (crocodiles)
- Tortoise: ribs fused to shell, so cannot expand; limbs extend to decrease intracarapace pressure, expand diaphragm and lungs
- Both diaphragm and ribs move in birds and mammals
- Often these muscular movements have other uses like locomotion (swimming, walking or running, wing beats, jumping)
Countercurrent flow
- Most efficient
- important to fish and other aquatic organisms because oxygen content in water is lower
- cross-current flow in birds only 70% efficient
- mammals do not really have directional air flow in alveoli, more of a uniform pool gas exchanger (also true for animals who exchange gas through skin)
Circulatory systems in animals
To transport dissolved gasses, waste etc.
Open-Plan circulatory system
- Some animals just allow external medium to enter
- Mostly found in marine but also some freshwater species
- Arthropods and molluscs
- Hemolymph; mostly small animals, pump not necessary
Closed circulatory system
- Some animals have closed and specialized fluid (blood)
- Pump necessary
- Birds, mammals
Invertebrate Hearts
- May have several
- May be as simple as a thickened vessel
- May be two chambered and complex
- Arthropods have no piped venous return; heart has valved holes that take in blood from pericardia spaces
Vertebrates - Fish hearts
- Slightly more complex than molluscan or crustacean
- Simplest of the vertebrates
- Atrium and ventricle
Mammal and bird heart
- More complex
- four chambers
- 2 atria and 2 ventricles
- Left side oxygen poor, right side oxygen rich
3 main components of circulatory system
- Circulatory fluid, set of interconnecting vessels and a muscular pump (heart)
- Heart powers circulation
- By transporting fluids through the body the circulatory system connects the environment to the organs that exchange gas, absorb nutrients and dispose of wastes
Single-Circuit circulatory systems
- Blood passes once in each complete cycle
Invertebrates - Single Circuit
- Open, single
- Single-chamber heart pumps fluid in from cavity and out to body
- Contraction of one or more hearts pumps hemolymph through the circulatory vessels into the space surrounding organs
- Relaxation of heart brings fluid back
- Sometimes hemolymph passes over respiratory system
- **Some invertebrates have a closed system; blood confined to vessels and is distinct from interstitial fluid, still have single chamber heart that pumps blood through vessels
Vertebrates - Single Circuit
- Generally closed two chamber heart (one atrium and one ventricle)
- Blood passes through heart once in each complete cycle (hence single circuit system)
- Ex: fish
- Blood collects in atrium, flows into ventricle which pumps it through arteries to gills and then out to the rest of the body
- Valve between atrium and ventricle to keep blood flowing in one direction
- Heart has to rely on deoxygenated blood for it’s own metabolic needs (disadvantage of this system; less efficient, but works well enough for these animals because relatively low metabolic demands)
- pulmonary (goes to lungs) and systemic (supplies body with oxygenated blood and carries away deoxygenated blood) circuits
Vertebrates - Dual circuit
- Closed system
- three chambered hearts (two atria and one ventricle)
- Reptiles and amphibians
- Pulmonary circuit takes deoxygenated blood to lungs to become oxygenated
- Systemic circuit takes oxygenated blood to body and carries away deoxygenated blood
- Ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood from right atrium to pulmonary circuit, then oxygenated blood from left atrium to the systemic circuit
- both atria empty into the same ventricle
- Amphibians have a ridge within ventricle that separated arriving from the two different atria; to attempt to keep them separated (not foolproof)
- The circuit for amphibians: pulmocutaneous circuit; actively determine what kind of respiration occurs
- Reptiles evolved a septum within the ventricle that better separates pulmonary and systemic blood (still not perfect)
- **Crocodilians have 4 chambers and a complete septum
Mammals, Birds and Crocodilians (Dual-circuit)
- Closed, 4 chambered
- Right atrium –> right ventricle –> pulmonary system to get O2 –> goes back into left atrium –> left ventricle –> systemic circuit
- More possibility of control and adaptation (blood pressure controlled better)
- one exchange site (lungs)
Coordination of circulation and gas exchange
- Role of circulatory system: provide oxygen, get rid of CO2
- CO2 is much more easily dissolved than O2, diffuses easily out of cells into interstitial fluid
Bohr Shift
- CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
- CO2 increases acidity (decreases pH) of blood
- Low pH decreases affinity of hemoglobin for O2; therefore, the O2 goes to other cells in the body
- More CO2 in the blood = more O2 released from blood cells for cellular respiration
- Hemoglobin NOT efficient at storing O2
- Myoglobin is oxygen storing protein in muscle tissue of vertebrates and almost all mammals
- Oxygen binds to iron
- Especially useful in animals that burrow and dive; undergoing periods of hypoxia
- Allow animals to hold breath longer
- only present in humans after muscular injury
Control of Respiration - Aquatic Animals
- nerve that responds to O2 levels in and around gills (some teleost fish and horseshoe crabs)
- Chemoreceptors near ventral aorta send messages about PO2 to brain
- Organisms respond by: adjusting ventilation volume (mouth, operculum), change heart rate or stroke volume (rate of flow through gills), or swim away (behaviour)
Control of Respiration - Amphibious animals
- Air breathing fish; know when to switch from water to air - using chemoreceptors in veins (gill arch detects low oxygen in water); receptors in and around lungs
- Amphibians and reptiles; Range from entirely aquatic to entirely terrestrial. Close mouth, nose, hold breath in water
Control of Respiration - Terrestrial animals; Insects
- Mostly controlled at spiracles
- Closure stimulated by water loss
- Also affected by CO2
- May open and close rhythmically
Control of Respiration - Terrestrial animals; Terrestrial vertebrates
- Chemoreceptors near carotid artery and sometimes along major arteries
- Mostly respond to PCO2 and pH, not O2
Control of Respiration - Terrestrial animals
- Normal blood pH ~ 7.4
- Rising CO2 in blood –> lower blood pH, detected by chemoreceptors near arteries
- Message sent to medulla then to ribs and diaphragm to increase rate and depth of ventilation
- Results: uptake of more O2 and exhalation of more CO2 to return blood to homeostasis
General responses to low O2
- Escape; move to area with higher O2 OR dormancy (crytobiosis, torpor…)
- Regulate: draw more water into mouth or gill cavity, switch to air breathing, change heart rate, close mouth nose or spiracles
- Acclimation: Individuals acclimated to low O2 levels may produce more hemoglobin when subjected to oxygen shock (ex: large-mouthed bass)
Dealing with high altitudes: Regulation
- Hyperventilation, too little CO2 in blood –> increasing pH (respiratory alkalosis - excessive blood alkalinity)
Dealing with high altitudes: acclimatization
- Renal system adjusts to excrete extra bicarbonate (eliminate alkalosis)
- Red blood cells become larger, more hemoglobin
- More capillaries in skeletal muscles
- Increased mitochondria
- Increased pulmonary artery pressure (pump more blood)
- BUT have costs: negative effects of increased hemoglobin and red blood cells: Chronic mountain sickness; occurs after long periods of time at high altitudes (months, years); blood becomes too viscous may flow unevenly through lungs
Study: Genetic Adaptations: Andean and Tibetan highlanders
- Resting ventilation (brething rate); higher than average in Tibetans, lower than average in Andeans
- Hemoglobin; lower in Tibetans, slightly higher in Andeans
- O2 saturation; higher in Andeans
- Arterial O2; lower in Tibetans, higher in Andeans
- Blood flow; higher in tibetans caused by vasodilation
- Slightly higher density of capillaries in both (acclimatization)
- Overall: Tibetans don’t get chronic mountain disease, but Andeans do (seems to have more acclimatization; so not a long term solution)
Study: phenotypic plasticity
- Mice born at high altitudes: larger ventricles, larger lungs, larger intestines
General respiratory modifications to increase O2 uptake
In both terrestrial and aquatic
- O2 uptake depends on it being dissolved into an aqueous solution
- Increase surface area, and decrease membrane thickness
- Increase ventilation rate (breathe faster)
- Countercurrent flow
- If cardiac output and heart rate increase then blood volume increases which provides more surface for increased oxygen uptake
- More hemoglobin, then more cells in which to absorb more oxygen