gas exchange Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
توكلنا علي الحي الذي لا يموت سبحانه وتعالي توكلنا علي الذي لم يكن له ولي من الذل تعالي علوا كبيرا
ليه تركيز الاكسجين في الحويصلات أقل؟
بسبب تشبعه الهواء ببخار الماء ياخذ ضغط 47 ملليميتر زئبق
بسبب ان 350 مللي بس بيضاف علي 2200 مللي هواء قديم بيخف التركيزات
لانه الاكسجين يظل في انتقال دائم للانسجة
Respiratory Membrane
It is formed of : 1. Fluid lining alveoli 2. Alveolar Epithelia 3. Epithelial basement membrane 4. Interstitial space 5. Capillary basement membrane 6. Capillary endothelium
diffusion capacity decrease in ?
Conditons :
increasing thickness
decreasing surface area
V/P Mismatch
shift of oxygen -HB dissociation curve to right ?
تقل الارتباطية بين الاكسجين والهيموجلوبين
pco2 inc
acidity inc
temp inc
2,3 DPG Inc
تقليل الارتباطية !
shift of oxygen -HB dissociation curve to LEFT ?
زيادة الارتباطية
PPAT Pco2 dec acidity dec temp dec 2,3 DPG dec
during exercise the shift of oxygen -HB dissociation curve to ? WHY? ?
sshift of oxygen -HB dissociation curve to right
pco2 inc
acidity inc
temp inc
2,3 DPG Inc
the po2 at wich 50 of HB is saturated
27 mmHg ——-normally
كلما قل زادت الارتباطية انتقال المنحني لليسار
كلما زاد قلت الارتباطية علاقة عكسيى انتقال المنحني لليمين
bohr effect
the effect of pco2 and acidity on the o2 hb sateuration
lungs : it decreases shifting the cureve to left csausing increased aggiinty
tissue L increases shifting to right decreasing affininty
co2 and h+ combine HB allosterically makine conformaitonal changes making ?
less affininty of o2 to the HB
2,3 DPG
Revericbly with HB B polypeptide chian decreasing affininty of O2
Increased during exercise and anemia and hight altitides
and hormones like thyroid , growth ,androgens
co AND HB?
CO has more affinity to HB than O2 240 times \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Competeing the o2 with the sam site left shift of the remaing currve زيادة الارتباطية
في ارتباط الاكسجين بالهيموجلوبين في الرئة
يحدد اطلاق الاكسجين عند الانسجة عشان الانتقال اليساري اللي عمله
Fetal HB and curve ?
a2 Y2 no beta
2,3 DPG cannot bind HB
Left shift and increased assoscaition
myoglobin is o2 store ?
Because of high association
as it release o2 at low o2 tension
Tidal Co2
tha amount of co2 added from tissue to the arterial blood 100 ml to be changed into Venous blood
Cholrid shift phenomenon
Eflux of HCO3 from rbc and influx of CL- instead
Haldane effect
The effect of O2 on the HB binding to Co2 and H+
Releasing O2 casue increased Reduced HB increasing binifing to CO2 AND H+ AND UPTAKE OF CO2 AND H+ AT TISSUE LEVEL
Bohr and Haladne effect are synchronus ?
Increased PO2 and H+ casue left to right and less association of O2
Releasing O2 casuing increased Reduced Hb and Increased Assocation and binding
of Co2 to HB forming carbon monxyHb this leading increased co2 wash
Explain hypoxic hypoxia ?
Due to decreased Po2 in the arterial blood
due to
inadequate ventilation
due to hight altitude low o2 in the air inspired
pulmonary diseases:
increasing thickness of alvolar capillary membrane or
decreasing its surface area ..
V/P mismatch
emphysema decrease V/P ratio casuing reudced po2
Veno-arterial shunt
Anemic hypoxia
ضغط الاكسجين عادي بس قدرة الهيموجلوبين علي حمل الاكسجين قلت
- انيميا
- مشاكل هيموجلوبين
- تسمم اول اكسيد الكربون
Stagnant hypoxia
the o2 tension is normal but the flow is reduced due to
general: circulatory shock or congestive heart failure
localized: spam or block local
Histotoxic hypoxia
due to inhibiton of the celluar oxidative enzyme like in cyanide toxicity that prevents the use of the Cytochrome oxidase enzyme
Berberi vitamin B deficiency interfering in the steps of utilization of oxygen and comrpmose formation of CO2
Headace Fatigubility drowisness
Tachy cardia Tachypnea
Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting
sustained O2 therapy in infant with RDS
-Bronchopulmonary dysplasia lung cyst
retrolental fibroplasia
hyperbaric O2 ?
Tracehobronchia irritation
muscle twictching
dizziness convulsions coma
Cyanosis and casues?
it is bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membran in case tthere is 5g reduced Hb in the arterial or capillary blood 100 ml of them
Polycythemia : high Altitude less o2 in inspiration high Reduced Hb
Hypoxic Hypoxia Less po2 increased Reucedd Hb
stagnant hypoxia reuced slow flow give time to the tissue to take more O2 and increaesd Reduced Hb
Exposure to moderate cold casuing Vc of the cutanuous blood vessels and slow flow as above :)
Cyanosis cannot appear in ?
Anemic hypxoia as Hb is reduced impssibole to implemnt 5 gram Redeced Hb
Carbon monoxide poisoning because the Cherry red of Carboxy Hb cover the Bluish of Reduced
Histotoxic Hypoxia : as tissue cannout use the O2
Very cold Weather casuing increased assocation of O2 to the Hb