Gametogenesis1 Flashcards
pre-embryonic period:
embryonic period:
fetal period:
0-2 weeks
3-8 weeks
Abnormal migration of PGC to
1) head and neck region
2) sacrococcygeal region
1) craniopharyngeal teratoma
2) sacrococcygeal teratoma
Sacrococcygeal teratoma is due to:
1) abnomral migration of PGC
2) persistence of primitive streak
Ability to form entire embryo and extra-embryonic tissue (upto 8 cell stage):
totipotent cell
ability to form all germ layers:
pluripotent cells
eg: PGC
Ability to form more than 1 category of cells:
multipotent cells
eg: hematopoietic cells
Ability to form 1 category of cells:
oligopotent cells
eg: vascular stem cells
forms only 1 type of cell:
unipotent cells
eg: liver cells
Stages in prophase
leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene
Corpus luteum persists for ___ days
Corpus luteum shrinks _____ days prior to menstrual phase
1 primary spermatocyte forms ___ spermatozoa
1 spermatogonium forms ____ spermatozoa
Spermatogenesis completes in ___ days
74 days> 64 days> 60 days
LH surge occurs:
36 hours before ovulation
LH peak occurs:
12 hours before ovulation
most fertile period:
3 days ( 2 days before ovulation and 1 day after ovulation)
In males meiosis occurs in:
seminiferous tubules
Sperm maturation and motility occurs in:
Capacitation of sperms occurs in:
female genital tract
conditioning of sperms lasts for
7 hours