2nd week Flashcards
Inner cell mass forms:
Epiblast (columnar cells on dorsal side)
Hypoblast (cuboidal cells on ventral side)
Epiblast forms:
amnion and encloses cavity lined with amniogenic cells
Hypoblast forms:
forms exocoelomic membrane and encloses primary yolk sac lined by flattened squamous cells
USG on 2nd week shows:
Double bleb sign
outer cell mass (trophoblast) forms:
cytotrophoblast (single nucleated and well-defined membrane)
syncytotrophoblast (multinucleated and no well-defined membrane)
Outer cell mass divides into cytotrophoblast and syncytotrophoblast on:
8th day
Extra-embryonic membrane is derived from:
primary yolk sac? epiblast> hypoblast
Assay of hCG:
on 8th day: maternal blood
on 10th day: maternal urine
Low hCG:
1) ectopic pregnancy
2) spontaneous pregnancy
High hCG:
1) multiple pregnancy
2) molar pregnancy
3) gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Chorion is formed by 3 structures:
EEM, cytotrophoblast, syncytotrophoblast
Primary chorionic villi:
cytotrophoblast projects into syncytotrophoblast
Uteroplacental circulation established by:
day 15
Fetoplacental circulation establised by:
day 17> day 22
First system to develop:
CVS (formation of heart tubes)
EEM divided into:
Somatic/ parietal layer and splanchnopleuric layer by cavity in the EEM
secondary chorionic villi
EEM projects into primary villi
1) EEM
2) Cytotrophoblast
3) Syncytotrophoblast
Secondary chorionic villi formed on:
day 12
primary chorionic villi formed on:
day 12
Undivided part of EEM forms:
connecting stalk/ umbilicus