Game Theory - Static games Flashcards
How do you find and graph mixed strategies?
To find Best Response function:
- Find the expected payoff for each strategy for player 1
- Find the probability where the player is indifferent between each strategy àset the payoff’s equal to each other and solve for p
- Diagram best response functions
- Repeat for player 2
- Where best response functions meet = Nash equilibria
What is a mixed strategy?
A player has M pure strategies, . A mixed strategy for this player is a probability disruption over their pure strategies – a probability vector (p1,p2,…,pM), with pk >=0, for k=1,..,M, and the sum of probailties sum to 1 .
Why are economist sceptical of mized strategies?
Because we are bad at randomising, and it seems unreasonable to assume players able to correctly guess the exact probabilities that are being used by the other players .
Define best response
Best response= the strategy that yields highest payoff given strategies of other players.
Player i’s best response to is , if
Define dominant strategy
Dominant strategy = a strategy that is better than another regardless of the strategies of player’s opponents.
Strategy, is a dominant strategy for player i if it is a best response to all
What is a strictly dominated stategy?
Strictly dominated strategy, if player I could commit to never playing it.
Strategy is a strictly dominated strategy if there exists some such that for any
Define pareto efficent ourcome, in terms of game thoery
Pareto efficient= it is impossible to make one player better off without making another worse off
is Pareto efficient if there does no exist some such that for every i, with strict inequality for some i.
Define nash equilbrium (general defintion including mixed strategies)
Nash equilibrium= in the two-player normal-form game G= , the mixed strategies are a Nash equilibrium if each players mixed strategy is a best response to the other player’s mixed strategy.
For the pair of mixed strategies to be Nash equilibrium:
must satisfy: for every distribution over
must satisfy: for every distribution over
What is a correlated equilbrium?
An equilbrium when players enter pre-play arrangments in order to achieve higher pay-off equilbrliums - breaks the assumption that players cannot enter pre-play arrangements
Find the mixed strategy equlibrium for this game of chicken, and show how a correlated equilbrium can achieve higher pay offs (mathmatically and graphically)
Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium: mix probabilities where is the probability player 1 plays S, and is the probability player 2 plays S - with expected payoff =
Payoffs can be changes by players entering in to pre-play arrangements such as:
1. A coin toss - players agree to observe a coin toss and
play (S,GS) if “heads” and (GS,S) if “tails”. Expected payoffs = This is a convex combination of 2 pure-strategy Nash equilibria. Players end up in an Nash equilibria (with a higher payoff) in the convex hull of the set of Nash equilibria of the biomatrix game
2. A mechanism that randomly selects 1 cells in the game matrix with the following probabilities. When a cell is selected, each player is told by ‘umpire’ to play corresponding to that cell, but not what the other player is told and information is not public (so to not incentivise plays to cheat). If player 1 receives signal “Play S’ the they know that plays 2 has received the signal S with probability and GS with probability àpayoff = , by deviating Play 1 gets payoff= , so player 2 does not wish to deviate. If player 1 received the signal ‘Play GS”, the they know player 2 received the signal S. This is true for player 2 as well, therefore it is an equilibrium
Describe a game of Hawk-Dove, and what conditions it becomes a game of chicken or a prisoners dilemma.
The game of chicken is also know is Hawk-Dove, where players (which could be animals) contest a scare resource. Each player can choose to fight, aka. play hawk, H, or not to fight, aka, play dove, D. The benefit of the resource is V, and the cost of a fight is C.
For this to be a game of chicken, V>C, otherwise it is a prisoners dilemma.
Describe a game of battle of the sexes
Common objective, but have different preferences on how to do that and are unable to communicate.
No dominant strategy, and 2 Nash equilibriums
e.g. a couple are determining whether to go to football or the opera, and have different preferences, but would rather go to the one the prefer less with their spouse than to the one they want alone.
What is maxminimisation? (in words and maths)
Maxminimisation maximises player i’s expected pay-off under the assumption that the other play j will act in a way that would minimise player i’s payoff.
Definition: A maxminimising mixed strategy for player i is a mixed strategy that solves the problem: Where is player i’s expected payoff to the mixed strategy profiles.
How do you solve for a maxminimsier stategy? (mathametically and graphically)
Let ) be player 1’s mixed strategy, where is the probability Player 1 assigns to U.
The expected payoff to P1 when P2 plays L is:
The expected payoff to P1 when P2 plays R is
The lower of the 2 lines (in bold) indicates player 1’s lowest payoff, aka. = Therefore the maxminimising strategy for player 1 is
What is the realtionship between maxminisation and nash equilbrium?
A player’s expected payoff in a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium strategic game is at least equal to their maxminimised payoff.