Gallstones Flashcards
What are the constituents of bile?
92% water Bile salts/acids Bile pigment (bilirubin, biliverdin) Cholesterol Inorganic compounds
What are the different types of gallstones?
Mixed stones make up 75-90%
Cholesterol stones
Pigment stones (calcium bilirubinate)
Calcium carbonate stones
Describe the biliary tree.
Bile canalculi beside the hepatocytes join to form the left and right hepatic ducts which becomes the common hepatic duct. This joins the cystic duct to become the common bile duct which joins with the pancreatic duct forming the ampulla of vater.
What structure prevents duodenal reflux into the bilary tree?
Sphincter of Oddi
Describe the characteristics of Pigment Stones (4)
Numerous, jet black, 0.5-1cm, uniform size
What is the pathogenisis of Mixed Gallstones? (3)
Abnormalities of bile constituents
Bile Stasis
What are the fat-solvable vitamins?
Vitimins A,D,E and K
What hormone is released from endocrine cells in the duodenal mucosa to stimulate gallbladder contractions?
Where is Bile reabsorbed?
Terminal Ileus
The Coeliac Trunk divides into which arteries?
Left gastric
What does the Porta Hepatis consist of?
Portal Vein
Extrahepatic Bile Ducts
Hepatic Arteries
What usually forms the core on which bile stones are built?
What is the result of unresolved obstruction of the cystic duct?
A mucocoele which is palpable and tender
This can become an empyema if infected
Gall bladders commonly show a Chronically Obstructed histological pattern. What are the features of this? (4)
Atrophied Mucosa
Submucosal and subserosal fibrosis
Hypertrophy of the muscular wall
Diverticula extending into the muscular layer (Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses)
What is chronic inflammation of the Gallbladder called when there is no evidence of a stone on cholecystectomy?
Cholecystitis sans stones