Galapogos Islands Flashcards
Human Geography Case Study
Archipelago off the coast of Ecuador
What is an archipelago
It is a group or chain of islands close to each other
Why is Galapogos a popular tourist destination?
Different species of wildlife - tortoises , penguins and iguanas
It has an interesting ecosytsem
Negative effects of tourism
Polution of land and sea:
Too much tourism can hurt ecosystems
Is tourism to Galapagos limited?
Yes but only due to the amount of places to stay in
How many tourists per year
Approx 260,000
What Galapogos do to maintain/manage the national park ?
Camping in authorised areas only
Walk only on authorised paths
No Campfires, No smoking or drinking alcohol in the park No Littering
No touching the animals or flora/fauna
Does Galapogos have an airport ?
Yes there are 3 airports to cater for tourism -
Is the Galapagos a heritage site?
Yes it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But in 2007 UNESCO added the islands to the “List of World Heritage in Danger” due to tourism
Who helps manage water polution on Galápagos Islands ?
The Galapogos Conservation Trust: The impact of a growing human footprint on waste and water management systems is increasing on the Islands, while the burden of incoming plastic pollution on ocean currents also grows.
Overfishing and problems caused in waters surrounding the islands
The waters surrounding Galapagos are affected by unsustainable and illegal fishing from both national and international fleets, threatening the survival of migratory marine species such as sharks.
Inhabitants: History of people living on the islands
The islands were discovered in 1535, but were vacant of humans until the 1800s due to their inhospitable terrain. In the 1920s, European and North American settlers began to arrive, as well as Ecuadorians who came to fish and farm. Beginning in the 1960s, tourism and new fisheries brought more settlers. Along with these new economic activities, more and more people migrated to the islands. The Galápagos’ population has increased from roughly 3,000 in the 1960s to about 30,000 in 2012. Four of the islands are inhabited, with most people living on Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal. The nature of the Galápagos provides livelihoods based on tourism, fisheries, and commerce.
How many tonnes of plastic is removed from Galapogos beaches each year?
8 tonnes
How many species have been found entangled in plastic?
According to the Galapogos Conservation Trust, 38 species have been found entangled or having ingested plastic after mistaking it for food
How is plastic pollution being tackled ?
Working with NGOs, local communities and international scientists to co-ordinate education and outreach and find solutions to make Galapagos plastic free
Which species has ingested plastic waste on Galapogos
- In a study published in a journal called the “Environmental Pollution” - Giant tortoises have ingested plastic