Gait Deviations Orthotic/Anatomic Flashcards
Initial Contact:
Foot Slap: forefoot slaps the ground
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq. dorsiflexion assist
- inadeq. plantarflexion stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- flaccid or weak dorsiflexors
initial contact:
Toes First: tip toe posture held through stance
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq heel lift
- inadeq DF assist
- inadeq PF stop
- inadeq relief of heel p!
- Anatomic Causes:
- short leg
- pes equinas
- extensor spasticity
- heel pain
initial contact:
excessive medial foot contact;
medial border contacts the floor
- Orthotic Causes:
- transverse plane malalignment
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak inverters
- pes valgus
- genu valgum
initial contact:
excessive lateral foot contact;
lateral border contacts the floor
- Orthotic Causes:
- transverse place malalignment
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak evertors
- pes varus
- genu varum
initial contact:
excessive knee flexion;
knee flexes or buckles as foot hits the ground
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq knee lock
- inadeq dorsiflexion stop
- plantarflexion stop
- inadeq contralateral shoe lift
- Anatomic Causes:
- knee pain
- short contralateral leg
- contralateral knee/hip flexion contracture
Initial contact:
forward trunk lean;
patient leans forward as leg accepts weight
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq knee lock
- Anatomic Causes:
- compensation for quads weakness
- hip/knee flexion contracture
Initial Contact:
Backward Trunk Lean;
patient leans back as leg accepts weight
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq hip lock
- inadeq knee lock
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak glut maximus on stance leg
- knee ankylosis
Initial Contact:
Lateral Trunk Lean
patient leans toward stance leg with weight
- Orthotic Causes:
- excessive height of medial upright KAFO
- excessive ABD of hip joint of HKAFO
- insufficient shoe lift
- requires walking aid
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak glut medius
- abduction contracture
- dislocated hip
- hip pain
- poor balance
- short leg
Initial Contact:
Wide Walking Base;
heel centers more than 10 cm (4 in) apart
- Orthotic Causes:
- excessive height medial upright KAFO
- Excessive abduction of hip joint of HKAFO
- insufficient shoe lift (e.g. cane, knee lock)
- Anatomic Causes:
- abduction contracture;
- poor balance
- short contralateral leg
- requires walking aid
Initial Contact:
Internal Rotation of Limb
- Orthotic Causes:
- uprights incorrectly aligned in transverse pl
- requires orthotic contol (rot straps, pelvic band)
- Anatomic Causes:
- spastic internal hip rotators
- weak external hip rotators
- antetorsion
Initial Contact:
External Rotation of Limb
- Orthotic Causes:
- uprights incorrectly aligned in transverse pl
- requires orthotic control
- Anatomic Causes:
- spastic external rotators of hip
- weak internal rotators
- retroversion
- weak quads
Late Stance:
Inadequate Transition;
delayed or absent transfer of weight over forefoot
- Orthotic Causes:
- plantarflexion stop
- inadueqate DF stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak plantarflexors
- achilles tendos sprain or rupture
- pes calcaneus
- forefoot pain
Toe Drag;
toes maintain contact with ground
- Orthotic Causes:
- inadeq DF assist
- inadeq PF stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak DF
- PF spasticity
- pes equinus
- weak hip flexors
leg swings outward in a semicircular arc
- Orthotic Causes:
- knee lock
- inadeq DF assist
- inadeq PF stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- extensor ?
- extensor syndergy
- knee or ankle ankylosis
- weak DF
- pes equinus
Hip Hiking;
leg elevated at pelvis to enable the limb to advance
- Orthotic Causes:
- knee lock
- inadeq DF assist
- inadeq PF stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- short contralateral leg
- contralateral knee/hip flexion contracture
- weak hip flexors
- extensor synergy
- knee or ankle ankylosis
- weak dorsiflexors
exaggerated PF of the contralateral leg to enable the limb to swing forward
- Orthotic Causes:
- knee lock
- inadequate DF assist
- inadequate PF stop
- Anatomic Causes:
- weak hip flexors
- extensor spasticity
- pes equinus
- short contralateral limb
- contralateral knee/hip flexion contracture
- knee or ankle ankylosis
- weak DF