Gait and Posture Flashcards
Factors that impact movement
- Individual
- Task/action
- Environment
Center of Mass (COM)
Point in space where there is equal distribution of mass
Center of Pressure (COP)
The center of distribution of total force applied to the supporting surface
Postural Control
Controlling the body’s position in space
Postural Orientation
Ability to maintain:
- Appropriate relationship between body segments AND
- Appropriate relationship between the body and environment for a task
Postural Stability
Ability to control COM in relationship to the base of support (BOS)
Where does neural control of posture take place?
- Postural stability is not organized at the spinal level
- Controlled at higher centers, such as the brainstem and cerebellum
Factors impacting motor control of the quiet stance
- Alignment
- Muscle tone
- Postural tone
Putting the body segments in a place that minimizes the effects of gravity
Muscle tone
Keeps the body from collapsing under the force of gravity
Postural tone
- An extension of muscle tone
- Focus is on the muscles designed to provide posture
- Antigravity muscle activation during quiet stance
Muscles involved in postural control
- Erector spinae
- Iliopsoas
- Abdominals
- Gluteus medius
- Tensor fascia latae
- Biceps femoris
- Quads (?)
- Calves (gastroc/soleus)
- Tibialis anterior
Displacement of the supporting surface
Strategies to deal with pertubations
- Ankle
- Hip
- Step
Ankle Strategy
- Used when perturbation is slow and low amplitude
- Head is in phase with the hips
Muscles activated for ankle strategy in a forward sway
1) Gastrocnemius
2) Hamstrings
3) Paraspinals (erectors)
Muscles activated for ankle strategy in a backward sway
1) Tibialis anterior
2) Quads
3) Abdominals
Hip Strategy
- Restores balance in response to larger and faster perturbations or when BOS is restricted
Muscles activated for hip strategy in a forward sway
1) Quads
2) Abdominals
Muscles activated for hip strategy in a backward sway
1) Hamstrings
2) Paraspinals (erectors)
Stepping Strategy
- Used when either the ankle or hip strategy is insufficient
- Alters the BOS
Lifespan Posture
Emergence of skills requires development of postural activity to support the primary movement
Types of Reflexes
- Primitive
- Postural
- Locomotor
Primitive Reflexes
Survival and protection
Postural Reflexes
Reaction to gravity and changes in the equilibrium
Locomotor Reflexes
Resemble later voluntary locomotion movements
Postural Reflexes List
- Head and body righting
- Labyrinthine righting
- Pull-up
- Parachute
Head and Body Righting Reflex
- Starting Date: ~ 2 months
Labyrinthine Righting Reflex
- Starting Date: ~ 2 months
Pull-up Reflex
- Starting Date: ~ 3 months
Parachute Reflex
- Starting Date: ~ 4 months
Sequence of postural control development
Postural control development follows a cephalocaudal (head to foot) and proximodistal (midline to extremity) sequence
What causes lack of head control in infants?
- Lack of strength
- Lack of organized muscle activity
Cognitive Systems in Postural Development
- Postural demands of younger children tax attentional resources more than for older children
- This may affect both postural and cognitive performance in dual-task situations
Why is balance so important in older populations?
Falls are a leading cause of injury death in older adults
Fall (clinical definition)
A situation in which the older adult falls to the ground or is found lying on the ground
Fall (research definition)
Movement of the center of mass outside the limits of the base of support
Spontaneous sway during quiet stance
- Acts as an indicator for assessing balance function
- Individuals at both ends of the age spectrum (6-14 & 58-80) have the most difficulty with sway during quiet standing
Sway Amplitude
The amount of displacement occurring during the quiet stance
Sway Velocity
The speed of displacement occurring during the quiet stance
Impact of Sway Amplitude vs Sway Velocity in Older Adults
- Sway velocity is significantly greater than sway amplitude for older adults with previous falls and those older than 80
- Measure the velocity of sway in a certain population may be a more sensitive measure of balance problems than amplitude of sway
Factors Impacting Instability in Association with Voluntary Movement
- Delayed onset of muscle responses
- Inability to activate postural muscles ahead of prime movers
- Inability to shut off muscle activity once activity completed
How to changes in the sensory systems contribute to declining stability as people age?
Vestibular System
- Peripheral organ and nuclear degeneration
Deep Tendon Reflexes/Postural Muscle Strength
- Reflexes are reduced
- Postural muscles get weaker
Sensory Depravation and Sway
Positional relationship of the COM and BOS during gait
The COM must be projected outside the BOS to generate forward progression
Gait Analysis Considerations
- Human gait is the most common of all human movements
- Clinical investigators tend to look at output measures (stride length, cadence, etc)
- Neurological researchers focus on EMG
- Biomechanists analyze kinematics, reaction forces, moments of force, powers, energies, etc
Variables that describe the CAUSE of the gait pattern
- Moments of force
- Power
Variables that describe the EFFECT of the gait pattern
- Kinematics
- Momentum
- Stride length
- Cadence
- Reaction forces
Phases of the Gait Cycle
- Stance
- Swing
Components of the Stance Phase
- Initial contact (heel strike)
- Loading response (foot flat)
- Midstance
- Terminal stance (heel off)
- Preswing (toe off)
Components of the Swing Phase
- Initial swing
- Midswing
- Terminal swing
Relative Duration of Each Phase
- Stance Phase –> 60%
- Swing Phase –> 40%
Double vs Single Support
- Initial contact (DOUBLE)
- Loading response (SINGLE)
- Midstance (SINGLE)
- Terminal stance (SINGLE)
- Preswing (DOUBLE)
- Initial swing (SINGLE)
- Midswing (SINGLE)
- Terminal swing (SINGLE)
When does push-off occur?
Terminal stance –> Preswing
Distance traveled/unit of time
Step Length
Distance b/t heel of one foot and heel of the opposite foot
Step Width
Distance b/t center of heel on one foot and the other foot
Step Frequency
- AKA cadence
- Number of steps/unit of time
Stride Length
Distance b/t heel of one foot and heel mark of same foot on next successive step
Relationship between stride length and cadence
Stride length and cadence are dependent on each other
Net Extensor Moment During Stance Phase
Various combinations of the extensor muscles can be used to prevent collapse
Balance during gait
- The body is in a continuous state of imbalance
- HAT (head, arms, trunk) need to be controlled
Walking Speed and Gait
- Speed affects COM displacement
- Slow speeds increase COM ML (medial-lateral?) deviation in healthy young adults
What is the goal of the swing phase?
Reposition the limb
What happens during swing phase?
- Hip flexion starts the swing
- Momentum sustains the swing once initiated
- Knee motions are constrained during swing
- Dorsiflexion occurs to prepare for heel contact
- Less variable than stance control
Cerebellum and Gait
- Regulation of the stepping pattern based on sensory information
- Spinocerebellar tracts: dorsal (muscle sensory afferents) and ventral (spinal motor neurons of CPG) are active
Role of cortical areas of the brain
“Perception and action” pathways
Contributions to Emergence of Locomotion
- Limited locomotor pattern generator at birth
- Optic flow modulations for head control at birth
- Modulation of stance at 5-6 months
- Voluntary control
- Motivation increases at onset of creeping
Sequence of Rudimentary Locomotor Abilities
- Crawling
- Creeping
- Walking
Body drag (6-8 months)
Abdomen clears the ground (8-10 months)
With support (9-10 months) Alone (well) (12-14 months) Backward (14-18 months) Stairs (up and down) (2-4 years) Perfected (5 years)
Change in arm position while walking over time
- Base of support narrows
- Foot contact changes (flat-foot and toes out)
- Foot angle changes (plantar to dorsi)
- Double knee-lock variation is acquired
Gait in the 1st year
- High step frequency
- Absence of reciprocal arm swinging between upper and lower limbs, flexed knee in stance
- Increased hip flexion, pelvic tilt and hip abduction, relative foot drop in swing
- Plantar flexion during foot strike
Gait at 2 years
- Reciprocal arm swing in 75% of children
- Pelvic tilt, abduction, and ER of hip decreased
- Ankle dorsiflexion increases
Gait after 2 years
Push-off begins at the end of stance
Gait during years 2-7
Muscle amplitudes and durations reduce, becoming similar to adults
Gait after 7 years
Walking very similar to adults
Normal gait in older adults
No defined standards to conclude “normal” gait in older adults
Changes in gait for older adults
- 10-20% reduction in gait velocity and stride length
- Increased stance width
- Increased time spent in double support phase
- Bent posture