gait Flashcards
gait terminology
Traditional RLA
- Heel strike - Initial contact
- Heel strike to flat foot - Loading response
- Flat foot to midstance -Midstance
- Midstance to heel off - Terminal stance
- Toe off -Preswing
- Toe off to acceleration - Initial swing
- Acceleration to midswing- Midswing
- Midswing to deceleration- Terminal swing
body moves fastest
in double support
how does trunk twist?
twists about a vertical axis with the pelvis
and shoulder girdle rotating in opposite directions.
The arms swing out of phase with the legs, so that as the left leg and left side of the pelvis move forwards, so do the right arm and right side of the shoulder girdle.
Vertical postiion of body during GC
The whole trunk rises and falls twice during the cycle-4
lowest during double support,
highest around mid stance or mid
Total distance about 50mm
Pelvic Rotation on the
Transverse Plane
Forward rotation takes place on the side of the swinging extremity with the opposite side acting as the fulcrum. Therotation effectively lengthens the extremity and
therefore reduces the drop in the COG
Flexes and extends once
The limit of flexion - middle of the swing phase
and the t_high is kept flexed until the beginning of the
stance phase_.
Peak extension- before the end of the stance
phase, after which it begins to flex again.
Knee joint
Flexes and extends twice
The knee is fully extended before heel contact,
flexes early in the stance phase and this adjustment again minimises the rise in the COG.
It extends again around the mid stance
phase and then starts flexing again reaching a peak early
in the swing phase.
Finally it extends prior to heel
After heel contact the ankle____
plantarflexes, bringing the foot flat on the
ground and moving into pronation.
The foot would come down much too quickly, in a ‘foot slap’, if this movement is not resisted by the
anterior tibial
muscles, which contract eccentrically to lower the foot gently to the ground.
The ankle is within a few degrees of the neutral position___
at the time of heel contact,
the h**eel is slightly inverted ** and
the foot slightly supinated.
external forces
inertia, gravity and ground reaction forces.
inertial forces
proportional but in the opposite direction to the acceleration
up to 4 years
walk on wider base
absence of arm swing
until 2 years
no heel contact - flat foot
legs externally rotated during swing
no knee flexion in stance