GA - Urology and Andrology Flashcards
What is the unirary trigone?
Urinary trigone is a somewhat imaginary triangle formed from three points
The 2 Ureteric Orifices (openings where the ureters secrete urine into the bladder) and the opening of the urethra
What are the ureteric orifices?
Ureteric orifices are the two openings where the ureters secrete urine into the bladder
What do you call the flap of tissue over the opening of the urethra?
the Uvula of the Unrinary Bladder
What are the parts of the urinary bladder?
Apex - most anterior portion
Fundus - Posterior/superior portion
Neck - area around the urethral opening - contains a sphincter composed of smooth muscle***
Body - everything else
What is the name of the muscle that encompasses the walls of the urinary bladder?
The Detrusor M.
What is the tissue found surrounding the detrusor M.? and what is it composed of?
Vessicle fascia
Which is composed of Visceral Membranous Pelvic Fascia
What are the names of the various segments of the male urethra?
Preprostatic Urethra - short segment in the neck of the bladder before the urethra passes through the prostate gland
Prostatic Urethra - segment that passes through the prostate gland
Membranous Urethra - short segment of the urethra after it exits the prostate gland and before it enters the penis
Spongy Urethra - (aka Penile Urethra) segment of the urethra that passes through the penis all the way to the tip
What do you call the swelling of urethral tissue in the prostate gland and what do you call its contents?
Urethral crest and it contains the Seminal Colliculus
What are the significant structures of the Seminal colliculus?
There are three large holes
- The largest is the Prostatic Utricle (it has a blind end and has no function)
- The other two holes are paired, and they are the Openings for the Ejaculatory Ducts
Additionally, there is a space on either side of the Seminal colliculus called the Prostatic Sinus where the prostatic secretions enter the urethra
The tiny pores that the prostatic secretions travel through are called the Openings for the Prostatic Ductules
What do you call the portion of the urethra where the lumen is wider in the spongy tissue, and what is significant about it?
Intrabulbar Fossa
It is located in the bulb of the penis
It is where the Bulbourethral Glands add their secretions to the urethra
What is the portion of the urethra where the lumen is wider at the tip of the penis called?
The Navicular Fossa
What do you call the visible line down the middle of the male genitalia?
Penile Raphe
Scrotal Raphe
Pernieal Raphe
What are the contents of the spermatic cord?
- Ductus Deferens
- Teticular A.
- Cremasteric A.
- Artery to the Ductus Deferens
- Lymph Vessels
- Pampiniform Venous Plexus
- Ilioinguinal N.
- Genital Branch of the Genitofemoral N.
- Autonomic Sensory N.
What are the tissue layers of the scrotum, spermatic cord, and testicle and what are they derived from?
- Skin
- Dartos M. and Dartos Fascia (Membranous superifical fascia; aka scarpa’s fascia)
Spermatic Cord:
- External Spermatic Fascia (external oblique aponeurosis)
- Cremaster Fascia and Cremaster Muscle (internal oblique apoenruosis)
- Internal Spermatic Fascia (Trasnversalis Fascia)
- Parietal layer of Tunica Vaginalis
- Visceral Layer of Tunica Vaginalis
- Tunica Albuginea
What are the significant structures found within the testicle?
Seminiferous Tubules
Straight Tubules
Rete Testis