G&D Flashcards
What should a baby be able to do at 2 months?
- LIFT HEAD 45 degrees
- Turn to sound
- Follows object past midline
- Social smile
2 month memory story: Parents little baby
looks up to _____. ____ because he sees both his parents, one on either side of ____.
- Sound (lifts head 45 degrees)
- Smiles (socially)
- Midline (Following objects)
What should a baby be able to do at 4 months?
- LIFT HEAD 90 degrees, raise up to chest
- Roll Over (onto tummy from back
- Find midline independently
- Reach for objects/put objects in mouth
- Coos (bowel sounds) and laughs
Fat Happy Baby: baby is rolling and laughing and cooing because he just discovered midline and is reaching for cake that he will cram into his mouth
4 month memory story: Fat happy baby
Baby is ____, _____, _____, because he just discovered _____ and is ____ for the cake that he will ___ into his _____.
- Rolling, laughing, Cooing
- Midline
- Reaching
- Cram into mouth
What should a baby be able to do at 6 months?
- Sit w/o support
- Raking grasp (fingers other than thumb)
- transfers objects between hands
- babbles (consonants)
- Recognizes familiar faces
6 month old memory story: street corner baby
_____on sidewalk, ______a rake from ____ to ____while ____ at people he thinks he ______.
- Sitting up
- Transferring, hand to hand
- babbling
- Recognizes
what should a baby at 9 months old be able to do?
- Crawl
- Pull to stand
- Point
- Specific babbling (Mama, dada)
- Stranger anxiety
9 months: Crawl, pull to stand, point, specific babbling (mama, dada), stranger anxiety
Watch Dog Baby: crawls to window, pulls to stand to see out, points at stranger in yard and says “mama” to get attention of parents.
9 month old memory story: watch dog baby
____ to window, ___ to ____to see out, ____ at_____in yard and says _____to get attention of parents.
- Crawls
- Pulls/stand
- Points
- stranger
- Mama/dada
what should a baby at 12 months old be able to do?
- walk
- pincer grasp
- 1-10 words
- patacake/peekaboo
- Waves bye bye
12 month old memory story: Playful Zombie Baby
_____at you, snapping _____, _____ ____ ___over and over (brrraaaaains), and just wants to play _____and ____ before waving ______.
- Walking
- Pincers
- Repeating one word
- Peakaboo and Patacake
- Waves bye bye
what should a baby at 15 months old be able to do?
- walks well,
- imitates,
- controlled release of blocks (can stack 2)
What should a baby at 18 months be able to do?
Throw scribble 4 block tower 1 step command, uses spoon/cup points to parts of body
What should a baby at 2 years be able to do?
- Run
- climb stairs 1 foot at a time
- 2 step command
- 20-50 words
- parallel play
What should a child at 3 years be able to do?
- Jump
- Tricycle,
- dresses self (shirt, pants, shoes)
- full name
- “you, me, I”
What should a child at 4 years be able to do?
- Stairs (alternating feet)
- hop
- undresses
- 1 foot (4 seconds)
- 4 word phrases (complete sentences),
- cooperative play
What should a child at 5 years be able to do
Tie shoes
Difference between reality/fantasy
what is the erikson stage for infants? Virtue and negative outcome?
- trust vs mistrust
* Hope/trust and Suspicion/fear
What is the erikson stage for a 2 year old? virtue and negative outcome?
- Autonomy vs doubt
* Will/independence and shame
What is erikson stage for 3 to 5 years old? Virtue and negative outcome?
- Initiative vs guilt
* Purpose/curiosity and guilty/inadequate
What is erikson stage for 6 to 12 years old? Virtue and negative outcome?
- Industry vs inferiority
* competence/pride vs inferiority/not good enough
What is piagets 1st stage for development? age range?
Sensory motor stage - 0 to 2 years
*object permanence
What is piagets 2nd stage for development? age range?
preoperational (mental abilities) stage - 2-7 years
- pretend play and symbols
- egocentric
What is piagets 3rd stage for development? age range?
Concrete operational - 7-11 years
What is piagets 4th stage for development? age range?
Formal operational -12+
*abstract thinking, consequences of actions
What reflex is when you stroke a babys cheek and they involuntarily turn head towards stimulus? When does this disappear?
- Rooting reflex
* after first few weeks
What reflex is when baby curls and uncurls toes when bottom of the foot is stroked? when does this go away?
- babinski reflex
* Before 1 year
when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. In response to the sound, the baby throws back his or her head, extends out his or her arms and legs, cries, then pulls the arms and legs back in. What is this called? WHen does this go away?
- moro reflex
* 4 to 6 months
Reflex when baby is laying down and head is turned. Arm in corresponding direction will be extended while other will be curled. What is this and when does it go away?
- Tonic neck reflex
* after 6 months
Reflex where baby involuntarily grabs something that ttouches palm? What is this and when does it go away?
- Palmer grasp reflex
* 4 to 6 months