Fungal Pathogens Flashcards
(cause rusts, smuts, rots, blights etc)
-huge crop losses
Saprophytic fungi
degrade and recycle organic matter (lignin and cellulose)
General properties of fungi
yeasts=unicellular, oval, 5-8um, reproduce by budding
moulds= grow as filaments or hyphae (mass of hyphae=mycelium)
All fungi are…
eukaryotic, non motile, non-photosynthetic, have rigid cell walls
Pityriasis versicolor
=a superficial infection caused by Malassezia species
- transformation of yeast cells to produce hyphae
- climatic factors
- asymptomatic or mildy pruritic with scaling
Superficial Candida infections
- mouth, skin, nails
- oral and vaginal thrush and denture stomatitis most prevalent
- antifungal treatment
- remove gut reservoir
Suseptible patients of candida infections-
macerated skin, diabetes, immune deficits
Dermatophytes (cutaneous)
- seperate branching hyphae
- digest keratin (infect skin, hair, nails)
- Arthrospores in clinical specimens, microcondidia and cacrocondidia in lab culture
Sporothrix schenkii (subcutaneous)
- dimorphic
- horses, cats, dogs, man
- chronic cutaneous or lymphocutaneous disease
- fungal spores enter through abrasions (gardeners)
- primary pathogens
- geographically restricted
- spores inhaled, yeasts may remain viable (latent - sub-clinical) in lungs for years
Histoplasma capsulatum (systemic)
- endemic in mississippi and ohio river valleys
- man, dogs, cats
- impared CMI
- granulomas in lungs
- infection of macrophages
Opportunistic fungal infections
- most serious
- not restricted geographically
- caused by candida, aspergillus and cryptococcus spp.
- infects hosts with impaired defences
systemic candida infections
- increasing incidence
- common nosocomial bloodstream infection
- endogenous
- some exogenous
Aspergillus infections
- found in air and soil
- not part of human flora
- A.fumigatus=most prevalent airborne fungal pathogen
- produces arial hyphae bearing conidia (spores)
- conidia inhaled, normally destroyed by macrophages
Host defences against aspergillus:lung
- inactive conidia are inhaled
- conida lodge in lower resp. tract
- conidia swell
- blocked by macrophages
- conidia germinate into hyphae
- blocked by neutrophils
- hyphae invade tissue
- hyphae invade blood vessels and disseminate
Cryptococcus infections
C.neoformans is only pathogenic member of genus
- occurs worldwide
- pigeon droppings
- yeast with a thick polysaccharide capsule
- during infection, polysaccharide is solublised (used for diagnosis)
- infection follows inhalation of yeasts, then dissemination
- localise in brain and CNS –> cryptococcal meningitis
Mucilaginous capsule
india ink stain - virulence factor
Antifungal chemotherapy
- polyenes and azoles
- amphotericin B or fluconazole used for treating systemic infections