Fundamentals of programming Flashcards
A data structure for storing a finite, ordered set of data of the same data type within a single identifier.
A data type that can only store one of two possible values (1 or 0, TRUE or FALSE etc).
A data type for storing a letter, number or special character.
Data type
An attribute of data that determines what sort of data is being stored that tells the compiler how it will be used in a program.
A data type for storing date or time values in an identifiable format.
A data type for storing whole number values (positive or negative) with no decimal parts.
Language-defined (built-in) data types
A primitive data type provided by a programming language.
A data type used as a store for memory addresses of objects created at runtime.
A data type for storing numbers with decimal or fractional parts.
A data structure that stores related data items in elements called fields, organised based on attributes.
A data type for storing a sequence of alphanumeric characters or symbols, typically within quotation marks.
User-defined data types
Custom data types designed by the user by combining existing data types, for the bespoke needs of their program.
A statement for giving a created variable a value that is consistent with its data type.
Constant declaration
A statement for creating a constant in a program.
A programming structure where a set of statements are repeated a fixed number of times (definite iteration).
Nested iteration
A programming structure of placing iteration loops within other iteration loops.
Nested selection
A programming structure of placing selection statements within other selection structures.
A programming structure for deciding which statements to perform next based on a certain condition or set of conditions.
Subroutines (Procedures/functions)
A uniquely named section of code that is written to perform a specific task within a program that can be called by using its name in a programming statement.
Variable declaration
A statement for creating a variable in a program. The variable is defined with a name and sometimes a data type.
A arithmetic operator that returns the sum of two numeric values (integer or floats).
Arithmetic operator
An operator that takes two numeric values and performs some form of mathematical manipulation (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) to return a numeric value.
An arithmetic operator that raises a numeric value to the power of another numeric value and returns the result.
Integer division
An arithmetic operator that divides a numeric value (integer or float) by another but returns an integer quotient.
An arithmetic operator that divides a numeric value (integer or float) by another and returns the remainder.
An arithmetic operator that returns the product of two numeric values (integers or floats).
Real/float division
An arithmetic operator that divides a numeric value (integer or float) by another and returns a real/float.
An arithmetic operator that converts a real/float to a more approximate representation that reduces the number of digits to represent the number by rounding up or down to a given number of decimal places.
An arithmetic operator that returns the difference between two numeric values (integers or floats).