Fundamentals of databases Flashcards
Data model
An abstract model for organising data and its relationship to real world entities.
Entity-relationship modelling
A method of abstractly describing that data tabes and the relationships between them visually. They can be used to reduce redundancy and construct a relational database.
A characteristic specification that defines a property or feature about an entity stored in a database.
Composite primary key
A primary key made up from two or more other keys.
Foreign key
A linking attribute that joins two tables in a relational database by being a primary key in one and a foreign key in the other.
Primary key
A unique identifier that identifies each record in a table.
Relational databases
A database where separate tables are made for each entity, and relationships between entities are represented by foreign keys.
First Normal Form (1NF)
A table with no repeating attributes. The intersection of each record and attribute produces exactly one value.
The formal process of optimally designing data tables by reducing data redundancy and repetition by connecting them into normal forms.
Second Normal Form (2NF)
A table in 1NF that has data that repeats across multiple records removed and put into a new table with appropriate relationships (no partial dependancies).
Third Normal Form (3NF)
A table in 2NF where all attributes that are not the primary key are fully dependant on the primary key (no non-key dependancies).
A language for relational database management and manipulation.
Client server database
A system that provides simultaneous access to the database for multiple clients.
Commitment ordering
A type of timestamp ordering that also takes into consideration that precedence of each transaction over other simultaneous transactions.
The idea of keeping a database consistent by ensuring that any changes made to data or relationships associated with a table are accounted for in all the linked tables.