Fundamental of Communication Flashcards
The process by which we use symbols, signs, and behaviors to exchange information.
Why is communication so important?
Communication is the “social fabric of relationships, groups, organizations, societies, and world order—and disorder—is created and maintained.”
Functionalist Perspective
examine how communication behaviors work (or don’t work) to accomplish goals.
is the feeling of connectedness you have with others You show how you want to be associated with someone by expressing liking, love, or respect – or alternatively, dislike, hatred, or disrespect.
the interconnections between two or more people.
Relationships are more intimate than just affiliation also, how we get to know one another or how we handle conflict.
meaning that what we do affects others and what others do affects us.
The ability of one person, group, or organization to influence others and how their interactions are conducted.
Characteristics of Communication
the extent to which the message is symbolic, the extent to which the message is culturally bonded, the sender’s perceived intentionality, the presence of a channel, and the degree to which the encoding and decoding of messages are transactional.
Symbolic, Cultural, intention, channel, transactional.
Communication relies on symbols, arbitrary constructions related to the people, things, or concepts to which they refer
is a set of symbols that are joined to create a meaningful message.
This is mentally constructing a message – putting it into a symbol that can be sent to someone.
is the process of interpreting and assigning meaning to a message that gets received
refers to the shared beliefs, values, and practices of a group of people. A group’s culture includes the language (or languages) and other symbols used by group members as well as the norms and rules about appropriate behavior.
are smaller groups of people within a larger culture that are distinguished by features such as race, religion, age, generation, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, educational level, occupation, and a host of other factors.
Communication Intentional
sending a message to a friend
Communication Unintentional
Blushing is an example
is simply the method through which communication occurs. Ex: Handwritten Correspondence, telegraph, telephone, e-mail, and text messaging.
Transactional Process
It involves people exchanging messages in both sender and receiver roles, and their messages are interdependent – influenced by those of their partner – and irreversible.
is the study of morals, specifically the moral choices individuals make in their relationships with others. Your personal values, along with your culture’s values, guide how to construct your messages appropriately and how to analyze messages directed toward you
Behavior Flexibility
the ability to use a number of different behaviors depending on the situation.
The interactional model of communication shows communication as a two-directional process
Feedback is a message from the receiver to the sender that illustrates how the receiver responds.
Sender»_space;»»> encodes (channel for the message)»»> decoder
Decoder «««««_space;(channel for the message) ««««_space;encoder
Linear Model of Communication:
The sender originates communication with words or actions constituting the message. The message is then carried through a channel (air and sound waves, written or visual, over telephone lines, cables, or electronic transmissions). Along the way, some interference, called noise, occurs. Because of the noise, the message arrives at the receiver changed in some way from the original (Shannon &Weaver, 1949).
Sender»_space;»> Noise»»> Receiver(S)
Competent Communication Model
The communication interaction includes feedback but also shows communication as an outgoing, transactional process. The individuals (or groups or organizations) are interdependent –their actions affect one another – and they exchange irreversible messages. .
Relational Context
Communicational occurs within the context of a relationship and is influenced by the relational history.
Situational Context
The circumstances surrounding communication influence communications
Cultural Context
Cultural Identity, how individuals view themselves as a member of a specific culture, influences communication choices.