Functions Of Variables Flashcards
Give the name for random variables which are independent and all have the same distribution function
Independent and identically distributed random variables; I.I.D
Define the n-th partial sum of a sequence of random variables

State the distribution of the n-th partial sum of IID Bernoulli (p) random variables
Sn will have a Bin(n,p) distribution
State the distribution of the n-th partial sum of IID Exp (λ) random variables
Sn will have a Gamma (n,λ) distribution
State the distribution of the n-th partial sum of IID Poi (λ) random variables
Sn will have a Poi(nλ) distribution
State the distribution of the n-th partial sum of IID N(µ, σ2) random variables
Sn will have a N(nµ, nσ2 ) distribution
Describe how to work out the expected value of Sn

Describe how to work out the variance of Sn

Define the central limit theorem

Give the formula to transform random variables where X is crv with pdf fx and Y=g(X)
Note: the formula can be rewritten in terms of g where h = g-1
This formula can only be used with monotonic functions, ie those which are either nonincreasing or nondecreasing.

Describe the MGF of the sum, Sn
The MGF of Sn is the product of the MGFs of the IIDs.