Functions of Religion Flashcards
Functionalist theory
- Durkheim, sacred and profane
- Durkheim, Totemism
- Parsons, Meanings and Values 1967
- Civil Religion, Bellah 1970
- Malinoswki, physiological functions
- Physological functions during life
Parsons, value and meanings 1967
- ) provides guideline on human action and creates norms and values, e.g bible 10 commandments
- )helps provide a copying mechanism with problems that disrupt social life
- ) provides meaning and answers to inequalities in life (afterlife and karma).
Malinowski: Physological problems
Agrees with Durkheim.
1.) outcome is important but uncontrollable/uncertain
2.) at times of life crisis
study of western pacific fishermen, lagoon safe and predictable, pray during ocean as dangerous.
Bellah 1970: Civil Religion
a belief system that attached sacred qualities to society itself. this could be an identity or way of life with no sacredness attached to god.
E.g US, multi faith, solidarity through the flag, symbol, anthem.
Durkheim: Sacred and Profane
Sacred: things that have been labelled, important or significant. things that are set apart
Profane: ordinary objects, no significance, mundane.
we come together to worship these sacred symbols, but we are actually worshipping society itself.
Durkheim: Totemism
studied the simplest form of society, clan, aboriginal society. Come together to perform rituals and worship the totem. reinforces collective concious and solidarity.
Physological functions during life
birth, adulthood, marriage and death. big life events, social solidarity. physically shows togetherness.
A03 Functionalism
Marxist physiological funcs: believes religion acts as a reason for poverty, e.g poor you will be rewarded.
- ignores r as a reason for conflict
- neglects negs of religion, e.g women
Marxism overall view
“religion is the opium of the people”
“man makes religion, religion does not make man”
religion creates FCC, especially for the underclass
idea of rewards
e.g christianity “it is easier for a camel..”
Marxist: ideological weapon
religion used to justify the suffering of the w.c, inevitable and God given. Believe that pain is virtuous and will be favoured. FCC!!
Marxist: Lenin
spiritual gin, given out by the ruling glass in order to keep their place and manipulate masses and stop them attempting to overthrow. “mystical fog”
Marxist: Gramsci
Believes that religion is two-faced, as hegemonic control isn’t inevitable but reliogn is used instead of theoretical guidance to revolt.
Marxist: Religion and Alienation
alienation is more extreme under capitalism and workers are alienated as they don’t own what they produce. therefore religion helps dull the pain of exploitation
Feminist: Religious laws and customs
patriarchal society as that is what we needed historically, men appeared stronger so fulfilled this role.
Feminist: places of worship and sacred texts
Catholic Church–> women have no power, speech no singing.
scared text–> wives submit to your husbands
women must remain silent in the church
women are worth half a man
Feminist: Simon De Beavior
argues women are oppressed in religion through the form of sacred texts, places of worship, prophets and rules.
this suffering and oppression is justified as women are taught they will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Feminist: Christianity
Christianity portrays women in two ways:
- ) pure, motherhood, innocence, Virgin Mary.
- ) hatred towards women, slut, Mary magdeline
evidence: Mormon allowed multiple wives
Catholicism, women not priests
Feminist: Aldridge
argues religion is sacred and separate from socially constructed culture
men use religion to oppress women
Feminist: AO3
Pos: real life examples of female oppression
Marx agree
Neg: female god, e.g greek
men also oppressed, monks
as secularisation occurs so does equality
increase choice in society, disillusioned with mainstream religion, people bettering themselves, spiritual shoppers, individualism,.
PM: modernity before 1980
- trad reliigon
- nuclear family
- christianity in UK, e.g bible and laws, homo
PM: Jesus in Disneyland- Lyon
1.) Relocation of religion
globalisation in pm society, spread of new religions and cultures. e.g Disneyland have christian singers
2.) Re-enchantment of reliigon
recent decades of ‘re-enchantment’ although trad rel declined, growth of Nam in western c
3.) Religious consumerism
spiritual shoppers- leger, pick and choose to suit your needs
PM: spiritual revolution- Heelas and Woodhead
believe trad religion is declining and being replaced by NAM, e.g aromatherapy, yoga, crystals.
Trad religion is time consuming, traditional, disciplined, objective and does not fit into our PM society.
PM: Vicarious Religion- Davie
the minority are religious and pray on the majorities behalf. everyone is religious but not actively practicing.
For example, volunteering, going to church, homeless shelter.
PM: Believing without BELONGING- Davie
people no longer feel the need to publicly show their religiosity through church attendance and group worship
- -> no time
- -> social stigma
see it in other ways, food, dress, cross necklace
or replaced through sport, social media.