Functions of Price Flashcards
What is the 1st function?
the signalling function
What does the signalling function do?
If demand is strong, this is a signal to suppliers to increase prices in order to clear the market - without a rise in prices, there would be excess demand (a shortage)
What does the result of an increase in price result in?
this sends a signal to the producer to increase output - higher market prices act as an incentive to raise output because the supplier stands to make a higher profit (leading to an extension in supply)
What is the 2nd function?
the rationing function
What is the rationing function?
they ration scarce resources when demand in a market outstrips supply
When there is a shortage of a product in the market…
…the price will rise, therefore deterring some consumers from purchasing the product
What will happen when consumers lack the effective demand (i.e., purchasing power)?
they will be priced out of the market
What is an example of the rationing function?
tolls (for roads) are a method of rationing scarce road space
What is the 3rd funtion?
the incentive function
What does the incentive function do?
low prices act as incentives to buyers - encouraging them to buy more goods, higher prices act as incentive for new firms to enter the market and increase supply - low prices discourage production