Functionalist view on education Flashcards
What are Murdock’s 4 function of the family
> Socialisation
What family type to functionalist focus on
The nuclear family
What are criticisms towards Murdock’s 4 functions
> One criticism is that others would argue that other institutions or other family types are just as capable of carrying out these functions.
Another criticism is that he ignores the conflict views of the family – such as domestic abuse
Parsons’ 2 functions in the family
> socialisation
> Stabilisation of adult personalities “Warm bath theory”
What is parsons functionalist fit theory
> The functions a family performs takes the shape depending on the kind of society it is in.
The family is now more Geographically & Socially mobile.
- because the nuclear family is smaller and easier to move to cities.
- Status is now more easily achieved in modern society it is no longer ascribed but achieved.
What are the criticisms towards Parsons’ 2 functions of the family
Parsons has been criticised for not acknowledging how the family may be negative.
E.G domestics violence - women are the ‘takers of shit’