Functionalist perspective on education Flashcards
What does Durkheim believe about social solidarity?
education creates social solidarity by transmitting society’s culture from one generation to the next
What does school act like?
A society in miniature and it prepares us for life in wider society
What does Durkheim say about specialist skills?
Education teaches individuals the specialist knowledge and skills they need to play their part in the social division of labour
what is different about modern industrial economies?
they have complex division of labour where the production of one item involves to co-operation of different specialists
What does Parsons believe the function of education is?
School acts as a bridge between the family and wider society as the family and society operate on different principles
How are we judged within the family?
Particularistic standards: rules that apply to only a particular child
How are we judged in wider society?
Universalistic and impersonal standards
What is our status within the family?
Ascribed, fixed at birth
What is our status within society?
largely achieved
What principles are both school and society based on?
Meritocratic principles
What is meant by meritocratic principles?
Everyone is given equal opportunities and individual achieve rewards through hard work
What do Davis and Moore believe the function of education is?
A device for selection and role allocation
Why do they believe inequality is necessary?
To ensure the most important roles in society are filled by the most talented people
What does education ‘sift and sort’ us by?
according to our ability
How do people get the most important and rewarded positions?
the most able gain the highest qualifications which gives them entry to better jobs
What evidence is there that equal opportunity in education doesn’t exist?
class differences, gender differences, ethnic differences
How do Marxists criticise the functionalist view point?
functionalists believe education instils the shared views in society but Marxists believe it transmits the ideology of the minority - the ruling class
How does Dennis Wrong criticise the functionalist view point?
argues functionalists see people as mere puppets of society implying pupils passively accept and never reject schools values
How do neoliberals and the new right criticise the functionalist view point?
they argue the state education system fails to prepare young people adequately for work