Functionalism + crime Flashcards
What does Durkheim say about crime?
Crime is
Not everyone shares the same norms and values which lead to normlessess and isolation.
What is function one of crime?
Boundary maintenance
The purpose of punishment is to reaffirm society of shared norms and values and reinforce rules.
What is a problem with function one?
Functional for society but not for victims.
What is function two of crime?
Adaption and change
For norms and values to change a deviant act needs to occur
Promotes social solidarity.
What is a problem of function two?
Could be outdated
How much is the right amount
What is function three of crime?
Safety valve
Davis argues prostitution is positive because men can express sexual frustration without threatening nuclear family
Polsky porn is positive
What is a problem of function three?
Feminists disagree
Can cause more problems
What is function four of crime?
Warning device
Cohan argues crime and deviance is a sign an institution is not functioning properly.
What is a problem with function four?
Police maintain and create crime
Crime can cause isolation and fear.