functionalism Flashcards
functionalism is a consensus theory because
- believe society is glued together by value consensus which means people share norms and values due to socialization
- say that everything has a function in society this binds them together harmoniously
society as a social system
- social structure of societies reassembles social systems that’s made up of different parts which all depend on each other
functions of social system: value consensus
- members are socialised into consensus on norms and values
e. g. freedom of speech is an important British value
functions of social system: social integration
- people are encouraged to belong to a community that has something in common
- a common identity binds people together so they experience solidarity and sense of belonging
functions of social system: division of labour
- people are encouraged to take their place in economic division of labour
e. g. acquire skills needed to become the next labour force at a young age
biological analogy
- see society works like organs that function together to keep the body healthy just like how institutions work together to bring social order
Parson’s similarities between society and biological organs
system: society and biological organisms have inter- dependent parts that function together
system needs: organisms’ need must be met so does social institutions to meet society’s needs
functions: each part of the body has a function and so does society
Parsons: basic needs - goal attainment
- political function; societies must develop ways of making decisions about allocating power and economic resources
Parsons: basic needs - adaptation
- economic function; every society provide adequate standard of life to survive
Parsons: basic needs - intergration
- social harmony; institutions develops in response to particular functions
- e.g. media, education, religions
Parsons: basic needs - latency
unstated consequences of actions:
- pattern maintenance; young are socialised into believe same sets of norms and values
- tension management; family prevents disorder and dysfunction
social roles
- each institutions has social roles which are responsibilities with particular expected norms of behavior
- e.g. husband/wife perform instrumental/economic roles and expressive/emotional roles
Parsons: social change
- some societies have evolved into more complex pattern variables due to structural differentiation
e.g. modern society rely on schools, universities than family
traditional society rely on religion and family
social change: traditional societies
- status is ascribed from birth
- people receive special treatment due to being a member of a particular group
- people aim to satisfy their needs immediately
social change: modern societies
- status is earned through hard work
- everybody is treated the same way
- people postpone their need for gratification
MERTON’s internal critique
parson failed to realise difference between:
- manifest (intended functions)
- latent (unintended functions) some functions aren’t always functional some may be dysfunctional
SHARROCK’s theoretical critiques
- Marxists and feminists says that it overemphasizes level of consensus and ignores how conflict can result in social change
- WRONG; criticises determinism of parson’s views of people being puppets therefore parsons ignores that people are more reflexive
- postmodernists says functionalists reject diversity and instability