Functionalism Flashcards
Basic functionalist view
Need solidarity and basic needs to survive
Education performs positive function
What is Durkheims concept
Solidarity and skills
Outline Durkheims solidarity and skills
Education binds and transmits shared values enabling cooperation, shared rituals all same common purpose. Teaches universalistic rules
Prepares young people for work - equips specialist skills needed participate work in modern economy
What was persons education role
Socialisation and meritocracy
Outline parsons socialisation and meritocratic role - secondary socialisation
Focal socialising agency
Secondary socialisation - treating everyone equal, teaching universalistic standards, bridge between family and wider society. Socialises into shared values and meritocratic society
Outline parsons socialisation and meritocratic role - meritocratic
Individual achievement - achieve status through own efforts, not where you come from its what you can do
Equal opportunity everyone achieve potential
Outline parsons socialisation and meritocratic role - society in miniature
Both school and wider society meritocratic
Succeeding or failing depends on own abilities
Prepares life modern society - competitive and individualistic
Example of Durkheims shared rituals
National anthem
What was Davis and Moores view role education
Role allocation
Outline Davis and Moores role allocation
Selection for future work roles
Some more talented = some work requires require greater skill
Society function efficiently most talented allocated most important jobs
Higher rewards to motivate everyone to strive
Compete equally ‘sifts and sorts’
Society more productive
What theory supports davis and moore
Human capital theory
Outline the human capital theory
Modern industrial society technologically advanced, skills of workforce main economic ‘capital’
Meritocracy best way achieve sufficiently skilled workforce, greater economic efficiency, higher living standards
Evaluation of Davis and Moore
Challenge with Class/Ethnicity/Gender differences = not everyone has same chances in education
Marxist evaluation
Values transmitted not shared values but rather those of r.c.
Interactionist evaluation
Too deterministic - some reject and rebel against education
General evaluation of functionalist
Not meritocratic - schools can discriminate
Hargreaves - school place more value in competition and developing individuals than solidarity
Difficult to see a link - between subjects and what required for a job
Ascribed characteristics - important
Outline the neoliberalism view
Believe state should not provide education
Free market economy encourages competition and drives standards.
Schools should operate like businesses in an education market
Compare functionalism and the new right
Believe some people naturally more talented
Agree education should be run on meritocratic principles of open competition
Socialise pupils into shared values and provide sense national identity
Older industrial societies e.g. Britain are in decline, result increase global economic competition
Difference with the New Right
Dont believe the state can run an efficient education system
Why does the New Right believe state cannot run an efficient education system
Cannot meet peoples needs. ‘One size fits all’, does not meet individual/community/employer needs
Not accountable for who uses them e.g. Pupils, employers. Schools poor results do not change as not answerable to consumers. Result lower standards and less qualified work force
What is the New Right solution
Outline the New Right solution
Schools more responsive to consumers
Creating education market forces response to needs e.g. Competition other schools teachers more efficient. Schools survival depends on ability raise achievement levels
Example of the New Right solution
Formula funding - schools have an incentive to be successful, since those that attract more pupils get more money
Who researched to support give the consumers choice New Right
Chubb and Moe
Outline Chubb and Moes research
Pupils low income families do 5% better in private schools - state education not meritocratic
Failed create equal opportunity does not respond to pupils needs
Parents/communities cant do anything whilst controlled by state
Private schools deliver higher education as they are answerable to paying consumers
Outline Chubb and Moes improvement suggestion for state schools
Voucher system
Each family given a voucher to spend on buying education from a school, schools main income = compete attract vouchers by improving education they offer.
Why does New Right believe state has a limited role
It should create framework for competition e.g. Publishing league tables and setting national curriculum
Ensure transmits society’s shared culture and emphasis shared national identity e.g. Teaching of british history
Evaluation of the New Right
Other possible reasons for rising exam results
Low standards result inadequate funding
Competition benefits m.c.
Marxists imposes culture r.c.