functionalism Flashcards
Who made the organic analogy and what is the concept?
- Made by emile Durkheim.
- Every part of the body has a function to keep it alive and happy = every part of society helps to keep society running e.g. family helps by bringing up the next generation.
Who made the warm bath theory and what is the concept about?
- Made by Talcott Parsons.
- Family/ home removes the stress of everyday life. - Family provides a ‘safety valve’.
- Stablisation of adult personalities.
- Children give adults a sense of purpose and responsibility.
Who made the concept safety valve and what is it about?
- Talcott Parsons.
- Family aids Capitalism by allowing the worker, typically male, to come home and relieve their frustrations onto the family.
What did Murdock believe about the family?
Said the family is universal.
what were the 4 vital functions Murdock argued the nuclear family have
1- Sexual - Adults have sexual needs met in a relationship.
2- Economic - All members are provided for e.g. housing.
3- Reproduction - The family creates the next generation of society.
4- Educational - The family creates out primary socialisation which means teaching norms and values.
What are criticisms of Murdock’s theory?
- Definition of family excludes many types of family e.g. polygamous families.
- Ignores the dysfunctions of the family e.g. harmful effects the family can have.
- Doesn’t consider alternatives to the family that may be able to carry out these functions e.g. communes such as Kibbutz in Israel.
What did Fletcher say about the family and other institutions?
- Family is still a “multi functional unit”.
- Other institutions compliment that family, not replace it.
What did Talcott Parsons argue was essential in a modern nuclear family?
- The father performed the “instrumental role” of the leader and provider. He is the breadwinner.
- The mother performed the “expressive role” of socialisation of children and emotional support. She is the homemaker.
-These roles allowed the functions of the family to be carried out effectively and contributed to value consensus and social order in society.
what were the two irreducible functions of the family that talcott parsons created?
1- primary socialisation - First part of socialisation process whereby individuals learn the shared norms and values of society. Without this there would be no consensus and no social order.
2- Stabilisation of adult personalities - “unstable personalities” threaten social order. The women provide emotional support for their husbands and children give the men opportunity to relax and be “playful”.
Criticisms of Talcott Parsons.
- Idealises and ignores dysfunctions of family.
- Sexist as says women should “de-stress” husband.
- Fails to explore alternatives to family.
What did Wilmott and Young say about the family?
Conducted studies to show how families and domestic life had changed over time.
- Women are more likely to be in pain work.
- Said 72% of husband “help in the house”.
- Men help more with domestic chores, like cleaning and washing up.
Why did Wilmott and Young say decisions made about the family are equally shared?
- Changes in women’s position - more married women working.
- New technology e.g. washing machines.