Functionalism Flashcards
What is the organic analogy of Family?
Functionalists believe society does the same, in which it is made up of interdependent parts (eg. the education system, the government, religion etc) that work together to maintain the social system as a whole
Just as the human body has organs that work together
What 4 critical functions did Murdock say the Nuclear family performs?
Reproduction/ procreation - ensures societies survival and shows the emotional commitment of the couple, also stabilises the
family life and marital relationship
Sexual - Keeps stability in society and shows a message that the couple belong to one and other and are not sexually available
Economic - Parents economically support their children and encourages their children to do the same
Socialisation - culture is reproduced and passed down through the generations via primary socialisation
What is the functional fit?
The idea that the family fits the functions based on the type of society it is in
e.g industrial vs pre-industrial
Who came up with the functional fit?
What 2 irreducible functions does parsons argue the nuclear family have?
Primary socialisation
Stabilisation of adult personalities
What analogy did Parsons use to describe the family?
the warm bath theory