It is the evaluation pf the persons ability to carry out the basic self care activities of daily living such as bathing, eating, grooming and toileting
Functional Assessment
a term uses to collectively describe fundamental skills that are required to independently care for oneself.
Activities of daily living
What do we want to know in functional assessment?
Ability to perform ADLS independently without assistance.
What is the 2 types of ADL?
Basic ADL - skills required to manage one’s basic physical need (personal hygiene, dressing, toileting, transferring or ambulating, eating
Instrumental ADL - include more complex activities that are related to the ability to live independently in the community (managing finances, food prep, housekeeping, laundry)
Decline in Physical Function
Identify the causes for Limitations of ADL:
Signs of dementia
Cognitive or mental decline
Give atleast 5 warning signs of dementia
• Memory loss
• problems w language
• Misplacing things
• Loss of initiative
• Changes in Personality
defined as a state in which the individual lacks sense of belonging socially, lacks engagement w others.
Social Isolation
unwanted undesirable effect
side effects of medications
slippery floor, inadequate lighting, cluttered things, lack of assistive devices
Patients Home environment
Give atleast 5 complications of Functional decline
• Loss of independence
• Reduced quality of life
• Falls and injury
• Incontinence
• decreased socialization
What are the purposes of Functional Assesment?
• determine the patients degree of independence
• to establish what kind of help the examined patient required
• to indicate presence & Severity of disease
It is the most appropriate instrument to assess functional status of the clients ability to perform ADL independently
Katz Index of Independence in ADL
Bathing, toileting, continence, dressing, transferring, feeding
Activities of Katz Index of Independence in ADL
no supervision or any assistance (1 pts)
with supervision and assistance (0 pts)
Focuses primarily on household chores, mobility- related activities & cognitive abilities and is administered for 10-15 mins
Lawton Scale of Instrumental ADL
Ability to telephone, shopping, food prep, housekeeping, laundry, mode of Transportation, Responsibility for own medication, ability to handle finances
Activities of Lawton Scale for Instrumental ADL
What is the highest score you can get in Lawton scale and what does it indicate?
28 and dependent
What is the lowest score you can get in LSI and what does it indicate?
8 and more independent
is a performance- based tool based on assessing performance of 10 ADLS
Barthel Index of Activities of Daily Living
what are the 2 major categories of Barthel Index?
Personal care and mobility
includes task such as drinking from a cup, dressing, grooming, bathing & bowel
Personal Care
includes wheelchair, manuevering, walking, stairs and transfer
Give atleast 4 Interventions
• Patient Educ
• Suggest the use of adaptive devices
• Suggest drug substitution
• Stay connected
Give examples of Adaptive devices
• wheelchair
• tungkod