are paired mammary glands
2 functions pf female breast
to produce and store milk
to aid sexual stimulation
4 quadrants of breast
upper inner quadrant
upper outer quadrant (tail of spence)
lower inner quadrant
lower outer quadrant
smooth and varies in color depending on client’s skin tones.
- located in the center of the breast
- containsthetinyopeningofthelactiferousducts through which milk passes.
surrounds the nipple 1-to 2-cm radius
- containsMontgomeryglandsthatsecretea protective lipid substance during lactation.
drain lymph from the breast to filter out microorganism and return water and protein to the blood.
Lymph Nodes
extends from each axilla to the groin area. It gradually atrophies and disappears as the person grows and develops.
Milk line or ridge
allowing for milk production
- is arranged in 15 to 20 lobes that radiate in a circular fashion from the nipple
The slight enlargement in each duct before it reaches the nipple
lactiferous sinus
Cooper ligaments
Fibrous tissue
provide most pf the substance pf the breast. Determining the size, shape, color of the breast
Fatty Tissue
What are the Axillary Lymph Nodes
Anterior (pectoral)
Posterior (subscapular)
Lateral (brachial)
Central (mid axillary)
Hereditary forms of breast cancer constitute only _____% of breast cancer causes overall
risk of breast cancer is greater for women who have never given birth or for those who had their first child after age 30
noninvasive and confined to the linings of the milk duct system; appears early
Ductal Carcinoma in situ
most common type, which spreads beyond the ductal system.
Invasive ductal carcinoma
occurs in women in their late 40s and 50s
Medullary carcinoma
usually appears as a subtle thickening, feeling of fullness, change in texture or appearance of the breast or nipple skin, rather than as discreet lump
invasive lobular carcinoma
cells in the tumor are negative for progesterone, estrogen, and HER2/neu receptors
Triple negative carcinoma
usually found in women over 50 years of age and has a 95% 10-year survival rate.
Tubular Carcinoma
occurs in 1-2% of breast cancers, and although the cancer cells produce mucus and are poorly defined, usually has a favorable prognosis
Mucinous Carcinoma
very rare and very aggressive, with lymph vessels in skin blocked, making the breast appear swollen, red, and inflamed.
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
rare disease affecting the skin of the nipple and often the areola; often have one or more cancerous tumors on the breast itself
Paget Disease
Biennial screening mammography aged ___ years.
50-74 yrs old
yearly mammograms at age ___ , withannual mammograms from ___, and every 2 years for those women over __
40-45, 45-54, 55
an option for women starting in their 20s
Breast Self - Examination
What are the 3 ways to perform BSE?
- In the shower
2.Lying down - in front of the mirror
What are the Equipment needed fot BS exam?
• small pillow
• gloves
•Centimeter ruler
• slide for specimen
A pigskin-like or orange peel appearance results from edema, which is seen in metastatic breast disease.
Peau De orange
it is the removal of breast
Dark, velvet pigmentation of the axillae may indicate an underlying malignancy.
Acanthosis Nigricans
Enlarged (greater than 1 cm) lymph nodes may indicate __________________. Large nodes that are hard and fixed to the skin may include an underlying malignancy
infection of the hand or arm
Abnormal finding for Men
persistent milk secretion