functional appliances Flashcards
What is a functional appliance?
Growth modification
Alters muscle forces again teeth and craniofacial skeleton
Ideally during pubertal growth phase- late mixed to permanent (girls 10-12, boys 12-14)
Tissue/tooth borne
Often 2 phases of tx (fixed afterwards)
Who is suitable?
Good OH
Growing w pubertal growth spurt
Early tx in mixed dentition only eg. Bullying/trauma
Moderate to severe skeletal problems eg class II div 1/2
Pts w low/average angle
What do we want to achieve?
Reduce OJ
Reduce OB
Class I canines
Class I molar
Expand for CB
Eliminate soft tissue causes eg lip trap
Need to overcorrect as there will be relapse
What are the types?
Clarke twin block
Other activators
How does the Clarke twin block work?
1. Alter soft tissue environment
2. Stretch the muscles of mastication
3. Cause dentoalveolar changes via tipping (70%)
4. Skeletal change- transient (30%)
What are the dentoalveolar changes?
Distal tipping of molars
Retroclination of upper incisors (10 degrees)
Mesial and vertical eruption of molars
Proclination of lower incisors (5 degrees)
What is a Frankel?
Tissue borne
Mono block
Class II/III correction
How does a Frankel work?
Alters soft tissue environment and uses bows and shields for retro/proclination
What are other activators?
Bionator, MOA
Loose fitting mono lock
Posture mandible forward w lingual extension of acrylic
What are the advantages and disadvantages of removable functionals?
Remove for cleaning
Easy to modify/adjust
Allows OB reduction
Relies on compliance
Difficult to tolerate
Can’t eat w monoblocks in
Can get broken/lost when not in mouth
What are types of fixed functionals?
Herbst- custom, telescopic afk from upper molar to lower premolar band
Forsus- spring attaches from upper molar tube to archwire in premolar area
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed functionals?
Reduces reliance on pt compliance
Breakages more complicated and common
Breakages more costly
What are the stages of producing a Clarke Twin Block?
Intra/extra oral photos
Alginate impressions
Postures bite w wax w 5-8mm gap between premolar cusps
Fit twin block
Review after month (start expansion if needed)
Review every 8-10 weeks +/- activation
9-12 months overall
Aim to overcorrect
May see lateral OB
Review need for extractions
What are twin block instructions/advice?
Wear 24hrs but take out to clean, for contact sports, playing instrument
Keep teeth together at all times
Will affect speech so practice
More saliva in first week
Can cause ulcers- can give wax
How do you know if the pt has been wearing the TB?
No lisp or drooling
Can place/remove easily
Slight wear and tear
Indentations of block on palate