Frozen semen insemination Flashcards
The pregnancy rate for frozen semen remains at…%?
Success of the program depends on many steps (5):
- Post-thaw fertility (not just motility) of the stallion
- Selection of a suitable mare candidate
- Appropriate storage, thawing and handling of semen
- Timing of insemination
- Appropriate post-breeding treatments
Do younger stallions tend to produce smaller quantities of sometimes lower-quality spermatozoa?
The Ideal Frozen AI Mare: Younger Mares (4)
- <12 years
- Maidens
- No history of post breeding induced endometritis
- Good physical health and body condition
The Ideal Frozen AI Mare: Older Mares (3)
- Foaled recently
- Uterine biopsy of I or IIA
- Avoid foal-heat breeding
Why is timing of insemination with frozen semen CRUCIAL?
Spermatozoa partially undergo capacitation as during the freezing process
What is capacitation?
•Capacitation is the final maturation step required prior to fertilisation
Where does capacitiation occur?
•Capacitation occurs inside the oviduct of the mare under natural conditions
Why is capacitation such a problem
•Capacitation leads to cell death within approx 6-12 hours
When do we want to inseminate with frozen-thawed semen?
- Ideally within 3 hours of ovulation
* Practically within 6 hours before or after ovulation
Monitor mare’s reproductive tract ultrasonographically: Note down when uterine oedema and dominant follicle >/= 35mm… next step?
•Administer hCG (Chorulon) or deslorelin (Ovuplant) at 10pm that night
Monitor mare’s reproductive tract ultrasonographically: Note down when uterine oedema and dominant follicle >/= 35mm..Administer hCG (Chorulon) or deslorelin (Ovuplant) at 10pm that night….next step?
•Ultrasound again 32 hours later (i.e. 6am)
Ultrasound again 32 hours later (i.e. 6am)… then? (2)
- Continue monitoring every 2-3 hours from 6am
* Inseminate immediately before or immediately after ovulation is detected
• Thursday – mare TUW, uterus 2, 32mm follicle • Friday – mare TUW, uterus 2+, 36mm follicle
Administer hCG at 10pm
Example cont:
• Saturday – mare TUW, uterus 2+, 39mm softening follicle
• Sunday – commence scanning at 6am
•6am & 8am - mare TUW, uterus 3, 43mm soft follicle
•10am – follicle very soft, uterus losing oedema – inseminate?
•12 midday – corpus haemorragicum (CH) – mare has ovulated…. What should we do?
•Double insemination (2)?
- Inseminate 24 and 40 hours after hCG/deslorelin
* Use additional frozen semen or split dose
List 4 facts about deep uterine horn insemination
- Rectally guided insemination
- Deposit semen as close to the end of the uterine horn as possible
- Same side as the ovulation
- Most common for frozen semen
List 3 facts about Hysteroscopic insemination
- Video endoscope
- Low numbers of sperm
- Compromised fertility of stallion
Post Breeding Endometritis can be defined as:
Inflammation and fluid in the uterus post breeding or artificial insemination
Frozen semen tends to induce a greater inflammatory response of post breeding endometritis. True/false?
Treatments for Post Breeding Endometritis include intra-uterine therapy such as:
- Antibiotic therapy – bacterial culture
- Flushing with saline solutions
- Oxytocin