From her notes Flashcards
vomiting & diarrhea & mild fever =
MC = gastroenteritis often via stomach flu
–common in kids 6m–>2yr
~ 24h –> 5days
–any other family members sick?
Gastroenteritis Action Plan:
- -R/o serious problem/ parasite (stool or vomit)
- -avoid eat/drink for few hours after vomitting stops.
- -electrolyte solution
(pedialyte) signs: dry mucous, sunken anterior fontanelle, crying w/o tears, scant urination - -call MD if: fluids don’t stay down, diarrhea for >12h, signs of dehydration
infant has persistent vomiting after nursing
–especially if projectile vomiting = maybe pyloric stenosis (~1st wk of life)
–MC in 1st born boy
TRIAD: projectile vomit, visible peristalsis, palpable mass
–Dx: Abdominal U/S
–Urgent referral to MD for surgery: laparoscopic pylorotomy
vomiting after nursing/ a rash =
- -rash around mouth, neck, behind knees, elbows = allergy?
- -difficulty breathing = serious anaphylactic?
vomiting & severe abdominal pain
- -appendicitis? inflammation of the appendix
- -Mc in kids over 10
- -pain starts around the belly button then over hours pain gets more intense –> RLQ
- -medical emergency
Consider co-tx if:
- -infant has <3 BM/day-wk & appears to be in pain/cries
- -big change from their normal
- -baby is well; no signs of illness
vomitting that is greenish-yellow =
bile obstruction
vomiting & constipation =
obstruction? intussusception?
congenital torticollis
- -deformity in infancy.
- -
most common orthopedic problems…
1) clubfoot
2) DHD
3) torticollis