From articles Flashcards
una expectativa
un pájaro
while, even though it’s true that
si bien
to shake (something)
return [noun]
el regreso
whereas, but, however
en cambio
it’s snowing
hay nieve
to warn / to notice
advertir [ie]
el detalle
aware of
al tanto de
nothing to do with
nada que ver con
one second is enough for me (to do what I need to do)
uno segundo me basta
time zone
una franja horaria
in advance
con antelación
wet [2 words]
mojado / húmedo
stick [noun]
un palo
slightly [2 words]
ligeramente, levemente
to let go
dejar [conj] ir [infinitive]
substitute [noun]
un suplente
depending on [the value of something] [3 ways]
en función de / según / dependiendo de
e.g. según el peso del paquete
on Monday
el lunes [no ‘en’]
at the beginning of June
a principios de Junio
at the end of May
a finales de mayo
for the first time
por primera vez
my lipstick has broken (completely unintentionally)
se me ha roto el pintalabios [‘accidental’ se = se + indirect object pronoun + conjugated verb + noun]
[notice this is third person]