FRG Politics Flashcards
What was decided at the Yalta Conference and when was it?
February 1945
•Germany would be divided into four military zones between US/USSR/UK and France
•Berlin was split between the 4
•Allied Control Council was Created to oversee all 4 zones
What was decided at the Potsdam Conference and when was it?
June 1945
•De-Nazification - brought to justice in Nuremberg trials
•Deindustrialisation - keep Germany weak as well as compensate the USSR
•Democratisation - make Germany more democratic
Why was the FRG formed in 1949?
In 1948 UK/US and French zones formed into Trizonia and introduced the Deutschmark. Stalin introduced a blockade to Berlin but the Allies airlifted supplies into the city and the blockade was lifted in 1949. After the FRG was formed Stalin established the GDR as East Germany.
Why did the Allies give the FRG so much assistance?
- Get Germany back on their feet and trade with them
- Have a strong capitalist country to stop communism spreading
- Don’t repeat a ToV punishment that damaged Germany and angered the people creating extremists
- Create and ally against Soviet Union
Who were the 4 main political parties in the FRG?
What new things did the Basic Law (Constitution of the FRG) introduce?
- Centre of Government in Bonn
- Refused to recognise the communist GDR
- Universal suffrage over the age of 18
- Could ban political parties if they were anti-democratic (were only temporarily banned in the Weimar)
- 1/2 seats were elected by first past the post and each party needed 5% vote to have a seat in parliament
What did FRG use in the Basic Law that was used in the Weimar?
- Equal rights
- Free speech/no censorship
- Free state education
- 1/2 the seats were allocated through proportional representation
What was different about the Chancellor and President in the FRG?
- Chancellor came from the largest party in the Bundestag and could not be removed unless another party could form a majority
- President was no longer voted by the people and was no votes by MP’s
What was the Bundesrat?
Made up of people from the Lander, who can check and override laws
Who won every election from 1949-1961 and who was Chancellor from 49-63?
CDU/CSU and Adenauer
What were some of Adenauers beliefs and ideas?
- Wise constituency (appeal to all sorts of people)
- Year Zero - forgive ex-Nazis and start over - bring back ethnic minorities
- Compensate for victims of warfare
- Anti-Communist
- Rebuild German infrastructure
- ’co-determination’ between workers and employers
Why was Adenauer’s election poster criticised in 1957?
It heavily featured Adenauer himself and was seen as similar to the Hitler Myth portraying himself as a sole leader
What were some of Adenauers Domestic Policies?
- Collective Bargaining Law 1949 -‘co-determination’ between workers and employers
- Construction Law 1950 - built 4 million new homes
- Equalisation of Burdens Act 1952 - redistribution of income
What were some of Adenauers foreign policies?
•Joined the EEC (European Economic Co-operation) in 1957
•Joined NATO in 1955 by limiting army size and renouncing adoption of nuclear weapons
-Joined the ECSC In 1952
What were some of Adenauers challenges?
- Adenauer was criticised for not visiting the Berlin Wall in 1961 after it was put up and they lost their absolute majority as SPD grew in votes
- Criticised for wanting to unite the roll of president and chancellor in 1959
What was the Der Spiegel Affair?
In 1962 editors of the Der Spiegel magazine were arrested after criticising the army’s ability to defend the country. Followed by protests as believed Government was too authoritarian. Eventually led to Adenauers forced retirement in 1963.
What was Ostpolitik?
Policy introduced by Brandt that compromised with the GDR to build better relations and they eventually acknowledged each other in the Basic Treaty of 1973
What were some arguements against Ostpolitik?
CDU said it was giving into Communism in the 1970’s. Cold War tensions continued and disagreements between allowing nuclear weapons in the country or not started under Schmidt in 1977.
What were some scandals during the FRG?
- Flick Affair - Finance minister resigned in 1984 after tax exemption scandal
- Barschel-Engholm Affair 1989 scandal over bugged offices and tax evasion
- In 1974 a close adviser to Brandt was revealed to be an East German Agent causing Brandt’s resignation
When were emergency powers introduced to the FRG?
German Chancellor Timeline
1949-1963 Adenauer 1963-1969 Erhard 1969-1974 Brandt 1974-82 Schmidt 1982-1989 Kohl