Fresh And Saltwater Systems Chatper 3 Flashcards
Where are the most diverse ecosystems?
In the tropical rain forest of South america, Asia and Africa
The more specices in a pond the more…
nutrients,light and oxygen you hvae
what is the most diverse ecosystems in the world?
a coral reef
What are the three layers of a freshwater pond
- From the shore dowm to where aquatic plants stop grwoing is the upper zone of the lake. Plants here might include bulrushes and water lillies. Here, you might see mall fish, clams, insects,snails,worms,leeches and frogs
- The middle zone is the open water area that still has light penetration. Phytoplankton are food for the fish that live there. Some of these fish move between the middle and the darker, deepest water of the lake.
- The lowest zone of the lake also the deepest. No light penetrates this zone so no plants grow here. Food for the fish and other animals that live here comes floating down as waste from the plants and animals that live near or on the surface
One of the most diverse and riches ecosystems is an estuary. Here fresh water from rivers and streams mix with the salt water of the ocean to form brackish water. Martian often grow in or around these and many different plants and insects The rich in bird life because of all the food and shelter were available
Four layers of an ocean
Intertidal zone
Continental shelf
The oceanic zone
Continental shelf
The continental shelf is the shelf of land that extends out from the edge of a continent hello deep oceans surface. Canada’s largest continental shelf is on the East Coast. The water here is warmer than in the open ocean, and the light penetractd almost all the way to the bottom. The combinationof warm water, light, and nutrients makes this a very rich area for both plants and animals
Intertidal zone
Animals and plants that live along the shoreline of the ocean have to be able to withstand the pounding of the waves. They also have to be able to live out of the water for sometime every day at low tide. This shoreline area they live in is called the intertidal zone. Different ecosystems form in the intertidal zone, depending on whether the shores rocky Sandy or muddy. Animal species have to build special adaptions to live in the zone
The oceanic zone
Beyond the incidental shelves are the deepest parts of the ocean. Much of this water receives no light at all and contains little oxygen. It is also far from shore, so not as many nutrients are available for plants. Many different kinds of animals live in the oceanic zone. They range in size from microscopic plants and animals, to the largest animal on earth, the blue whale. Animals that live in the upper part of the ocean feed on microscopic plants called phytoplankton,or on each other. In the deeper, darker parts of the ocean, animals live on each other or waste that drops down from above. In between the service and the deeper oceans are different kinds of fish, jellyfish, shellfish, squid, octopus, shrimp, and other animals
What is the difference between the ocean and a pond
In oceans there a greater differences in water motion, Salinity, and death then in a lake. The deepest part of the ocean is about 11,000 m. The deepest lake in the world is lake in Russia at about 1700 m
Adaptions of organisms in temperature
Fish that live in very cold water can’t survive and warm temperatures because their bodies overheat. There are fish in the Arctic they have natural anti-freeze that keeps her blood and body tissues from freezing in the really cold water temperatures
Adaptions of organisms in light
Most organisms thrive in life. Plants need light to photosynthesize. In the deepest parts of the deepest lakes and oceans, animals survive without light. The dragon fish managed to survive in an environment without light. It produces its own like from spots on his body called photophores
Adaptions of organisms in pressure
The dragon fish must also survive under very high pressure. The weight of the water bug it is many times greater then at sea level. These animals cannot survive on brought into Shallower water because their bodies can’t function at lower pressure’s
Adoptions organisms in Salinity
The salt content of water can be very high and some in-line sees like the Dead Sea. The organisms that live there cannot survive in freshwater. Most freshwater organisms cannot live in saltwater. The saltwater actually draws fluid out of their organs. For that reason humans and many other animals can’t drink saltwater
Adaptions of organisms in water movement
Some animals and plants live in areas where the water moves strongly like the barnacles. They have to be able to withstand the water movement and debris that water carries . They may have adoptions for attaching themselves to rocks and other fixed object. Or they may be adapted to digging into Sanford protection
Why is there less salmon off of British Columbia’s shores
The decrease in salmon population is mainly due to over fishing. But the loss of streams for Egg Laying and warming of the ocean made also be affected in these fish
Are the three major types of changes to populations
Seasonal, short-term and long-term changes
Seasonal changes
Because of the extreme temperatures between summer and winter populations. Sweltering the warm summer months and then disappear during the winter but does not mean they’re all dead so mart dormant and hibernating another seasonal change is connected with breeding stages aot some organisms
Description of the variety of different species in an ecosystem Mail soap be used to describe the variety in a population or species
Group of organisms of the same species that live in a particular area
Short-term changes
I sure turn change might be part of a natural event, or maybe caused by human activities. A population of salamanders might disappear because of a drought dries up it’s pond but a few months later the rain begins the Ponfield up and a new population of San Juan Manders develop
Long-term changes
Long-term changes in population may also be a result from natural causes or human activities. A natural landside might change the course of a stream. All the masses and plants that lived in the old streambed below the slide dies off because the water no longer flows there. And example of a long-term human effects on pollutions is an introduction of zebra mussels do the great lakes. Zebra mussels are European species that was first notice in the Great Lakes in 1988. They probably came over in the taste of ships the ships emptied the water from their tanks and the muscles were in this water. By 1994 there’s about 93,000 muscles per square metre in some areas of the Great Lakes. Mini native shellfish populations bury deuce because of the competition with this species
Changes in water quality
Living things, such as fish and water plants, do not need water as pure as humans do. What are that we could not drink can support a large number of different species that are adapted to those water conditions.
What is the white material codeine the rocks around shores
These are deposits of natural chemicals called carbon nights and Vairo carbons. The water has dissolved them out of the soil and rock in the area. When the water has a high concentration of these chemicals it can be a Alkaline. The chemicals are central for plant life. But sometimes when there’s too much not every different type of organism can survive
Samples of water quality changes
Even though water can look here you can be a dead lake. Acid rain caused by air pollution from factories has changed the lakes water. The water is not too acidic to support most life. Fish and other organisms can no longer survive in it. Sometimes we think that organism disappear because of water pollution sometimes it’s the opposite effect occurs I’ll Gile blue is a rapid and large increase in the growth of algae in a body of water and it’s caused by much fertilizer a string and drain the water from farmers fields. LJ soon covers the surface blocking out light to the plants below underwater plants no longer have light for photosynthesis so they die
And is water too warm
Thermal electric sick plants generate electricity by burning coal. Lots of Alberta is electricity is generated this way. These types of panties a great deal of cooling water from nearby likes to condense the stream from there turbines.
Rivers and streams
Streams and rivers usually alternate between areas where water is calm and areas where water is moving quickly. Because of the constantly moving environment organisms often attached himself to rocks as their habit
Salt water diversity
Oceans have simmer layer tees two lakes in terms of zones, but with greater differences in water motion, Solterra tea, and deft diversity is much greater in the oceans
I don’t option is a physical characteristic behaviour of a species that increases that species chances of survival in a particular environment. All living things are adapted to life in particular environments. In Canada lakes are Fectig by extreme temperatures. Organisms live in the freshwater ecosystems of a lake or pond must be able to adapt to the changes in order to survive. As long as changes occur within their environment, these organisms that can adapt to the changes have a better chance of surviving then the organisms I cannot adapt to the changes
Aquatic plants
There’s two types of aquatic plants though to attach the bottom and those that float freely in the water. Aquatic plants need sunlight and therefore can only survive in water where sunlight can penetrate
See weeds
Siri it’s all right marine plants, but do not have roots, flowers or leaves. They do you photosynthesize and use the energy of the sun to create food.
Are tiny plants that live on the surface of lakes and oceans and produce oxygen. They’re tiny irregular shape, and Longspine our adoption that help them stay in the zone of water were like can penetrate.