frequency distributions Flashcards
What is frequency distribution?
It is a variable that represents the observations with regards to the frequencies of values within the entire range of the values.
What are the 3 properties of a distribution?
Central tendency, spread or dispersion, and shape of distribution
What is central tendency?
The constant.
What is spread or dispersion?
The consistent spread
What is the shape of distribution?
The symmetric, skewed, positive, negative, uniform, symmetric etc. uniform is the same height, skewed positive and negative, symmetric is normal like a pyramid.
What are the 2 types of departures which affects normality?
Skewness- asymmetry and kurtosis, the measure of flatness.
What is normal distribution?
When the graph has the right bell shape to it, it is normal distribution. This area has to add to 100%.
What is standard normal distribution?
Mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 1.
What are confidence intervals?
The sample means are normally distributed around the population mean with a standard error of the equation. Ox = O over root of n
What are the discrete distribution?
Binomial (Bernoulli, uniform, hypergeometric), poisson (negative, binomial, zero-inflated)
when do you used discrete distribution?
This type of distribution is when: you have applied binary data, each of the n trials have 2 possible outcomes, each trial has the same probability of success, and the probability failure is 1.
what is Bernoulli distribution ?
Bernoulli distribution is a special case of binomial distribution, where there is a single experiment. Eg. Flip of a coin
what is uniform distribution?
Uniform: when there are multiple outcomes with equal probability
what us hypergeometric distribution?
Hypergeometric: binomial distribution without replacement. Where individuals are removed from the population and not replaced.
what is poisson distribution?
Poisson: describes the number of events occurring in a given time period or space. Occurrences are random and independent. Can be used to explore the form of distribution and test for randomness.