French Vocabulary 4 Flashcards
(ce sont mes problèmes,), that’s my business
(those are my problems,) it’s my business
ça ne te regarde pas
it’s none of your business
(Il m’) arrive (de tout oublier)
Sometimes, (I forget everything)FRCA
ils s’aiment
they love each othe
Je t’attends depuis trois heures.
I have been waiting for three hours.
J’étudie à l’université depuis 2009.
I have been studying at university since 2009.
Depuis que je vis en Bretagne, il pleut tous les jours.
Since I have been living in Brittany, it has rained every day
Je vais habiter à Nantes pendant trois mois.
I am going to live in Nantes for three months.
Je travaille pendant les vacances.
I am working during the holidays.
J’ai voyagé pendant un an.
I travelled for a year.
Ça fait trois heures que je t’attends.
It’s been three hours since I have been waiting.
Ça fait dix ans que j’ai fini mes études.
It’s been ten years since I finished my studies.
Ça fait… que
is an informal equivalent to depuis.
usually means ‘since’ or ‘for’, and describes actions in progress, ones that started in the past and finished later. In French, we use it with verbs in the present or past tense.
(meaning ‘for’ or ‘during’) refers to the entire duration of an action in the past or future.
donner un rendez-vous à quelqu’un
to give someone an appointment
Il promène son chien
(he) walks (his dog)
Je suis de retour
I’m back
On va réfléchir
We’ll think about it
Ne rien fumer.
Don’t smoke anything.
Ne jamais stationner ici.
Never park here.
remettre (quelque chose à quelqu’un)
to hand (something) over (to someone)
soumettre (une candidature)
to submit, to send off (an application)
soumettre (quelqu’un)
to subdue, to dominate (someone), to make (someone) submit
faire une demande (de mutation)
to make a (transfer) request
dans l’attente (d’une réponse)
pending, awaiting (an answer), until receipt of (an answer)
Dans l’attente de vous rencontrer, je vous souhaite une bonne journée.
I look forward to meeting you. In the meantime, I hope you have a good day.
dans l’attente de (vous rencontrer)
until (I can meet you), while waiting to (meet you)
Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, (l’expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs).
yours faithfully, yours sincerely, yours truly
Je vous prie d’accepter mes salutations (distinguées).
yours faithfully, yours sincerely, yours truly
l’ascension professionnelle
job progression, career advancement
le nombre de visites) a diminué
(the number of visits) has decreased, has gone down
(le prix) a baissé (de 20%, à 10 euros)
(the price) has dropped, has gone down (by 20%, to 10 euros)
(le prix des cigarettes) a monté (the price of cigarettes) has risen
(the price of cigarettes) has risen
elle est montée (sur le toit)
she climbed, went up (to the roof)
Je manque de (temps)
I don’t have enough (time)
une tartine
an slice of bread topped with something, an open-faced sandwich
l’art de la tartine
the art of spreading things on bread
Un coup d’etat
an attempt to overthrow the government
Une prise de pouvoir
a takeover, a seizure of power
C’est parti!
He’s off! It’s started! Let’s go!
une infraction
a breach, a violation, an infringement, an offense
le code de la route
the highway code
un rond-point
a roundabout, a traffic circle, a rotary
vous aviez pris un rond-point
you had taken a roundabout, you had driven around a round-about
une poussette
a stroller, a pushchair
la tartiflette
a French dish made from potatoes, cheese, pork and onions
en plein centre-ville
right in the center of town
vous aviez fait demi-tour
you had made a U-turn, you had made a 180-degree turn
en sens inverse
backwards, in the wrong direction
un écolier, une écolière
a schoolboy, a schoolgirl
(un bol) contenant (des fruits)
(a bowl) containing (fruit)
(il a échoué), ce qui (est dommage)
(he failed), which (is a shame)
(regarde) ce qui (est écrit là)
(look at) what (is written here)
(il a) juste (menti une fois)
(he) just, only (lied once)
un seuil
a threshold, a limit
(ces événements) avaient entraîné (une crise)
(these events) had led to, had brought about (a crisis)
un exploit
an achievement, a feat, an exploit
le solde
the balance, the remaining amount
à ce titre
as such, on this basis, for this reason
à l’issue de (cette réunion)
after, following (this meeting); as a result of (this meeting)
sous réserve de (ne pas quitter le pays)
on the condition of, subject to (not leaving the country)
(la loi) prévoit…
(the law) stipulates, states, allows for
il prévoit (une augmentation)
he forecasts, he is anticipating an increase
je vous prie de croire en (mon soutien)
please have faith in, please be assured of (my support)
par contre
however, on the other hand
en revanche
however, nonetheless
(ils l’ont fait) eux-mêmes
(they did it) themselves
verrouiller (une porte)
to lock (a door)
la figure
The face
une carafe (d’eau)
A jug of water
un ouvreur, une ouvreuse (au théâtre)
An usher
Qu’est-ce qu’il a bouffé ?
What did he eat? What’s he eaten?
revenons à nos moutons
let’s get back to the subject at hand, let’s get back to business
Revenons à nos moutons literally means ‘let’s get back to our sheep’.
je compte (travailler demain)
I’m planning to, I intend to (work tomorrow)
une demande (de financement)
a (funding) application, request
un genre
a kind, a type
le genre (d’une personne, d’un nom)
the gender (of a person, of a noun)
il est venu, elle est venue
he/she came, has come
le reflet (du miroir)
the reflection, the gleam (of the mirror)
on sonne à la porte
someone is ringing the doorbell, we’re ringing at the doorFRCA
alors là (je partage ton avis)
on that point (I share your view)
J’ai dú sortir
I had to leave
Vas-y! Allez-y!
Go on! Go ahead!
elle obtient (un rendez-vous)
she obtains, she gets (an appointment)
un résumé (de film)
a summary, a synopsis, an abstract (of a film)
y a l’téléfon qui son
the telephone is ringing
Tu n’as qu’à (aller chez le médecin)
You should just (go to the doctor’s), All you have to do is (go to the doctor’s)
des nausées
mettre le feu (à une maison)
to set fire (to a house)
coûteux, coûteuse
expensive, costly
(fromage) au lait cru
unpasteurised (cheese)
la pâte (à tarte)
pastry, pie dough
un fromage à pâte molle
a soft cheese
un fromage à pâte dure
a hard cheese, a cheese with a hard rind
Le comté est un fromage à pâte dure, le camembert est un fromage à pâte molle.
Comté is a hard cheese, camembert is a soft cheese.
un caddie
a shopping trolley, a shopping cart
Ça a été ?
Was it good? Was it OK? How did it go?
Ça n’a pas été (du tout) !
It was no good (at all)!
Qui répond pour moi ?
Who will answer (it) for me?
Eh bien
Well then
je m’excuse de la gêne occasionnée
apologies for any inconvenience caused
la gêne
discomfort, embarrassment, bother, inconvenience
(le retard) occasionné (par cette erreur)
(the delay) caused, brought about (by this mistake)
Je mets une point d’honneur à (être poli)
I make a point of (being polite), I make it a point of honor to (be polite)
Un dérangement
a disturbance, an inconvenience
(Je suis content) de vous rendu service
(I am happy) to have been of service to you, to have served you
faisons plus simple
let’s simplifiy things, let’s make things simpler
la galette des rois
a hard cake usually flavored with almonds and with a small figurine hidden inside it
La galette des rois is traditionally eaten around Epiphany (6 January). The person who finds the fève (figurine) in their part is considered le roi (the king) or la reine (the queen) for the rest of the day.
il va reposer (le crayon)
he’s going to put down (the pencil)
Tu es commercial ?
Are you a salesperson?
Je suis seule contre tous.
It’s me against the world.
J’entends rien (tu peux parler plus fort ?)
I can’t hear anything (can you speak up?)
J’oublie à chaque fois
I keep forgetting
dégrossir (une pièce de bois)
to rough-hew, to sand (a piece of wood)
vous avez pris du poids
you have put on weight
(si quelqu’un me prêtait de l’argent), je lui en serais reconnaissant
(if someone lent me money), I’d be grateful to him/her
les déchets (ménagers)
(household) waste
les ordures (ménagères)
(household) waste, refuse, rubbish
(mon frère est) une ordure
(my brother is) a bastard, punk; rubbish
on fait le tri
we recycle, we sort our waste into different categories
Que (ce cahier) vous soit (utile) !
May (this notebook) be (useful) to you!
relating to the countryside
Que nous soyons (heureux) !
Let us be (happy)! May we be (happy)!
Je m’en vais.
I’m leaving.
J’en ai marre.
I’ve had enough.
Je n’en peux plus.
I can’t take it anymore.
Ne t’en fais pas.
Don’t worry.
On s’est perdus de vue
We lost contact, we fell out of touch with each other
On s’est r’perdus d’vue
We lost contact again, we fell out of touch with each other again
perdre (quelqu’un) de vue
to lose contact, to fall out of touch (with someone)
on s’est reconnus
we recognized each other
de manière fortuite
by accident, incidentally, coincidentally; luckily, fortuitously
il m’a rapporté que (la société fait faillite)
he informed me that, he has told me that (the company is going bust)
(on m’a dit que) vous auriez retrouvé (mon vélo)
(I’ve been told that) you have apparently found (my bike)
je mets un point d’honneur à (être poli)
I make a point of (being polite), I make it a point of honor to (be polite)
moreover, for that matter, incidentally, by the way
porter (le nom de sa mère)
to have, to bear (one’s mother’s name)
je ferai un crochet
I’ll make a detour
(elle) me l’a offert
(she) gave it to me (as a gift)
(cela l’)apaise
(that) calms, soothes, pacifies, appeases (him)
un désagrément
an inconvenience, a bother, an annoyance
il vous causait (des soucis)
he caused you, he was causing you (trouble)
(français) courant
fluent (French)
Il suffit de (l’appeler)
All you need to do is (call her)
to sniff
se moucher
to blow one’s nose