French Vocabulary 3 Flashcards
Il s’est fait mettre dehors
He was kicked out
mettre dehors
to put outside; to kick/throw out
se faire renvoyer (de l’école)
to be expelled, excluded (from school)
se désister
to withdraw; to pull out, to quit
je me suis fait expulser (de la boîte)
I was kicked out, I’ve been thrown out (of the nightclub)
Fais le chat (je te dis) !
Pretend to be a cat (I said)!
unheard of (up until now), extraordinary
(elle voulut que) je fusse (présent)
(she wanted me to) be (present)
Tu vas le faire venir !
You’re going to make him come here
un emmerdeur
a pain in the ass, an irritating person, a nuisance
faire des trous (dans un billet)
to punch, to make holes in (a ticket)
un (petit) trou
a (little) hole
celui (de 17 h 25)
celui (avec la barbe)
(ce chat, c’est) celui de (Jean)
the one (at 5.25pm)
the man, the guy (with the beard)
(this cat is Jean)‘s
confier (une tâche à quelqu’un)
to entrust (someone with a task), to assign (a task to someone)
fort(e) de (ce succès)
building on, continuing on from (this success), with (this success) behind me
postuler (le poste de directeur) ; postuler (au poste de directeur)
to apply (for the director’s position)
soumettre (quelqu’un)
to subdue, to dominate (someone), to make (someone) submit
(une demande de) mutation
a transfer (request), a moving (request)
j’ai rencontré (quelqu’un)
I’ve met, I met (someone)
je viens de (voir un film)
I just (saw a movie), I have just (seen a movie)
se déplacer
to move, to travel, to get around
The future
il poursuit (une formation)
he is undergoing, he takes (training)
(le bureau) se situe (dans le sud de la ville)
(the office) is located (in the south of the city)
la bouillabaisse
Fish soup from the south of France
un manège
A carousel
Défense de fumer
No smoking
Défence de marcher sur la pelouse
No walking on the lawn
Ne pas se garer / stationner
No parking
Il est formellement interdit de jouer au ballon
It is strictly forbidden to play
Prière de ne pas déranger
Please do not disturb
(La prochaine fois que) vous faites ce genre de rêve.
(The next time) you have a dream like this.
un borgne
a one-eyed person
jusqu’à nouvel ordre
until further notice
il fallut que (je quittasse la France)
I had to (leave France)
un site de rencontres
a dating website
(le) bout (du nez)
(the) tip (of the nose)
un bout (de bois)
a piece, a chunk, a bit (of wood)
une amourette
a fling, a brief or casual love affair
j’accuse réception de (votre lettre)
I acknowledge receipt of, I confirm that I have received (your letter)
l’attachement que vous portez à (notre entreprise)
your loyalty to, your commitment to (our company)
il n’existe pas de (personne vraiment libre)
there is no (truly free person), there is no such thing as (a truly free person)
donner une suite favorable à (une demande)
to accept, to grant, to comply with (a request)
en revanche
however, nonetheless
le rapprochement (de conjoint)
the act of moving closer to (where one’s partner lives
Avec tous mes vœux de bonheur,
With my very best wishes, Wishing you much happines
(aussi) serai-je ravi(e) de (vous aider)
(therefore) I will be happy to, I will be delighted to (help you)
tu me fais voir (tes rêves)
you show me, you make me see (your dreams)
un gilet de sauvetage
a life jacket, a life vest
Mettre le masque à oxygène
To put on an oxygen mask
to notice, to spot, to detect
(il) emmenait (toujours sa mère en vacances)
(he always) took (his mother on holiday)
le toubib
the doc, the doctor
une paille (pour boire)
A straw
la touche dièse
the pound key (US), the hash key (UK) [on a telephone]
C’est vous qui voyez.
It’s up to you to decide
un nœud
A knot
Qu’est-ce qui me fera un nom ?
What will make a name for me? What will make me famous
un troupeau
a herd, a flock
tirer la langue à quelqu’un
to stick one’s tongue out at someone