French And Haitian Revolutions Flashcards
Battle in Spain between French (under rule of Napoleon) and the British. British win and crush Napoleon’s hopes of conquering Britain by military force.
13th Vendemaire
Napoleon dispersed the crowds in Paris with a “whiff of grapeshot”
18th Fructidor
Directory overthrows the government (National Convention)
19th Brumaire
Napoleon overthrows the directory
A vote of all the people asking permission for more power
9th of Thermidor
National Convention shuts down Robespierre from speaking and it is an end to his reign. Robespierre is executed the next day.
Law of 22 Prarial
Gave tons more power to Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety which allowed them to execute people with almost no evidence
Napoleon’s last battle with an army he drew up from Paris. Fights against the Quadruple Alliance and loses. France is punished by losing land and being occupied by soldiers.
Jean Paul Marat
Had a radical newspaper in Paris. It supported radicals so a conservative woman, Charlotte Corday, killed him while he was taking a bath.
Continental System
A policy forced onto mainland Europe by Napoleon which banned trade with Britain. Napoleons armies lost at Trafalgar so he is trying to destroy Britain economically instead of militarily. This system fails
Russian Campaign
Russia dropped out of the Continental System so Napoleon invaded but the Russians followed the Scorched Earth Policy and had cold winters which caused most of Napoleon’s army to die and get nothing done
Paris Commune
The leaders of the San culottes. They were like a government body sort of but they directed the San culottes in their riots.
Levee en masse
Called everyone to participate in the war effort
Great Fear
Peasants terrorized country, destroying their feudal duties and forced the nobles to give up their feudal rights.
Tennis Court Oath
Members of the 3rd Estate were accidentally locked out of the palace at Versailles. They go into the tennis courts, create the National Assembly, and vow that they won’t leave Versailles until a constitution is written
Politicians in France. Split into liberal and conservative, The Mountain and Girondists