Free standing sculpture (Classical) Flashcards
Delphic Charioteer - Era & Date
Early classical, 787-474 BC
Delphic Charioteer- Description (features)
- part of a bigger monument
- bronze
- shatters symmetry
- had twisted right and looking downwards = humility
- wears headband, chiton
- drapery well carved with flow over belt and bunches at straps but column like in lower
- ## short hair sculpted in curls + ringlets around sideburns
Delphic Charioteer- Innovations & Movement
Delphic Charioteer - Realism
Artemision Zeus - Era & Date
Early classical, 460-450 BC
Discobolos - Era & Date
Early classical, C420 BC
Doryphoros/Cannon - Era & Date
High classical, 440 BC
Aphrodite of the Agora - Era & Date
Late classical, 420 BC
Eiryny & Plutos - Era & Date
Late classical, 375-371 BC
Hermes & Dionysus - Era & Date
Late classical, 340 BC
Aphrodite of Knidos - Era & Date
Late classical, 340 BC
Antikytheran Youth - Era & Date
Late classical, 340 BC
Apoxymenos - Era & Date
Late classical, 330 BC
(Nike of Paionios)
Late classical, 420 BC
- Marble
- Incredible drapery that flows and implies movement
- Garments pressed against body = lines of motion
- Flow of drapery behind and full
- left limbs slightly forward
- slight bending of the head down + side
- drapery shows curves and womanly shape
(Critian boy)
Early classical, 500-475 BC
- subtly turned
- leg at front bent leading to lifted hip + dropped hip
- holed in eyes for paste
(Caryatids) from Erectheion
Late classical, 420-405 BC- female figures taking place of a column
- wet look drapery used, but maidens wore wool
- ‘charm, delicacy and decorative detail have begun to supplant mobility and naturalism’
- hair decoration elaborate at the back
- minute folds in drapery
- regular patterns of folds mirror flutes on Parthenon opposite