FRB BASE banking and supervision elements Flashcards
Earnings are a source of capital, but ______ is another primary driver of capital
Asset Quality. Asset quality affects earnings through provisions to the ALLL. An inadequate reserve will require additonal provisions, which reduces earnings. Poor asset quality can also affect earnings through reduced interest income. Loans that are past due and are not paying interest as scheduled have a negative impact on interest income.
Whan analyzing the UBPR, what aspects of a ratio should you consider?
Level - at above, or below comparative standards/benchmarks?
Trend - increasing, decreasing, or stable/static over time
Why - what are the underlying factors
Peer - significantly out of line with the national (or customized) peer group averages
How do you calculate the sensitivity ratio?
cumulative Rate sensitive assets RSA divided by cumulative Rate sensitive liabilities RSL.
RSA/RSL usually between 80% and 120%, which means +/- 20%.
Less than zero = liability sensitive RSA-RSL
Greater than zero =asset sensitive RSA-RSL
What is the rating system for Bank holding company(BHC)? list 6
RFI/C (D) Risk management (think of "M" in caMels)
Financial condition
Composite (think of final composite rating in CAMELS)
Depository Institutions
What is the rating system ofr Trust? list 5
Operations, controls, audit
Asset Management
Calculate Weighted classified Asset Ratio
substandard 20% + doubtful 50% + Loss 100% divide by Tier 1 capital + ALLL
This ratio provides a better view of the severity of asset quality problems and their potential impact on teh capital strength of the bank.
Name the 5 IT (information technology) risk elements in SR 98-9
Management processes - planning, staffing
Architecture - hardware, software, network
Integrity - reliable, accuracy, completeness
Security - protect assets, prevent unauthorized access
Availability - backup in case of business disruption
Name a regulation that is designed to encourage capital growth and retention
Section 5199(b) restricts dividend payments to the current year’s earnings plus the prior two years’ retained net income. This rule is designed to prevent banks from eroding their capital base through the payment of cash dividends
Which rule restricts bank dividends to undivided profits, less any amount of statury bad debtsj that the bank has on its books that are in excess of the ALLL
Section 5204. This rule ensures that before any dividends are paid, banks must maintain adequate funding for the ALLL, relative to statutory bad debt.
When assessing the Management component rating of CAMELS, where do we first start looking at?
financial condition / performance of the institution.
What is the largest asset on the bank’s balance sheet?
If IRR (interest rate risk) which relates to the “S” sensitivity rating, is not managed satisfactorily, which 3 other CAMEL components are affected?
C - M - E
Capital adequacy - a decrease in earnings erode a bank’s capital
Management - must have experience and know-how to proactively manage exposure to market risk. Board oversight is critical to an effective risk management program
Earnings - performance is directly affected by the bank’s ability to manage its exposre to market risk.
No relationship to A, Asset Quality, or L, Liquidity.
IRR is Senstivity so of course it affects “S”
WHat are the 4 components of risk for IT (information technology)?
URSIT - Uniform rating system for information technology SR 99-8
A - M - D - S
Audit - self assess
Management - board oversight
Developement and Acquisition - install / deploy
Support and Delivery - service business needs - secure and safe
What are 3 categories of securities under ASC 320 (formerly FAS 115)
HTM - AFS - Trading
held to maturity - no income/loss impact
available for sale - equity
trading - flow to income statement
What should be included in the board of directors package?
monthly financial statements
mintues of all committee meetings (ie ALCO)
reports of problem assets
assessments of loan loss reserve adequacy
reports on income vs. budget with explanation of major variances
reports of liquidity needs
interest rate sensitivity reports
(1) budget variance (2) watch list (3) loan loss list (4) IRR