Business of bank supervision Flashcards
Why do we supervise banks?
(1) Protect the depositor. (2) provide an efficient and competitve financial system. (3) protection of consumer rights.
What responsibilities do Reserve banks have for examining various banking organizations?
(1) compliance with laws and regulations issued by the Board of Governors. (2) ensure compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations issued by the Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Capital adequacy Asset quality Management Earnings Liquidity Sensitivity to market risk
SR 95-51 6 safety and soundness risks. CML OLR
Credit risk
Market risk
Liquidity risk
Operational risk
Legal risk
Reputational risk
3 “M”s Tradeoff between earnings and liquidity
Fed funds sold. Asset
Short term loans from other institutions that are paid back with interest on the following business day.
Asset securitization - deposit liability
The conversion of bank loans or othet assets into marketable securities for sale to investors.
Core deposits
Dda. Now. Money market mmda. Cds less than 250 k
Non core deposits
Cds more than 250k. Fed funds purchased. Fhlb advances. Any other borrowed funds. Known as wholesale funds
CFP. Contingency funding plan
Outline policies to manage stress environments
Prompt corrective action
Net short term non core funding dependence ratio
A positive ratio means the bank is supporting a portion of its long term assets with st-non core funding. A negative ratio occurs when the level of st investments exceeds the amount of st non core funding
Dependence ratio- st non core depsits over lt assets
Net Non-Core Funding Dependence Ratio - This ratio measures the degree to which the bank is funding longer-term assets (loans, securities that mature in more than one year, etc.) with non-core funding. Non-core funding includes funding that can be very sensitive to changes in interest rates such as brokered deposits, CDs greater than $100,000, and borrowed money. Higher ratios reflect a reliance on funding sources that may not be available in times of financial stress or adverse changes in market conditions.
Irr. Interest rate risk
The risk that interest income will erode due to adverse changes in interest rates
Rsa- rate sensitive assets
Rsl- rate sensitive liabilities
Gap analysis- slotted into time intervals according to their maturity dates (if they are fixed rate instruments ) or earliest repricing opportunities (for variable rate instruments)
Liability sensitive. Less than 100%. Rsa/rsl more liab than assets reprice. Exposure to rising interest rates
Rsa-rsl = negative. It means that more liabilities than assets reprice in that period
Rsa-rsl asset sensitive
Greater than 100%. Rsa over rsl. More assets than liab reprice. Exposure to falling interest rates
Positive. More assets than liabilities reprice in that period
Ear- earnings at risk. Accounting approach
For each “what if” scenario, the resulting net interest income is compared against the base case scenario to assess the bank’s irr exposure
Eve- economic value of equity= present value asset less present value liab. Economic value pertains to the quality of future earnings and earning potential
Focuses on how the value of a bank’s capital changes in response to changes in the interest rate environment. Really an economic interpretation of IRR. The cash flows of from assets and liabilities are calculated out until maturity and then discounted back to their present value
Alm. Asset liability management.
Focuses on stabilizing net interest income and meeting liquidity needs
Manage IRR
The bank can mitigate a liabilty sensitive position by selling lt securities and reinvesting in st maturities. Conversely, the banker can purchase lt securities to help reduce the exposure to a falling rate environment
5 P and 5 c
People character Payment capacity Prospects condition Protection collateral Purpose capital
Asc450 - historical experience
Asc 310. Individual loans
Total classified asset ratio
Total classified assets over tier 1 capital + alll
Weighted classified asset ratio
Substandard 20%+ doubtful 50% + 100% loss over tier1 capital + alll
Mix volume trend
Roaa. Return on avg asset
Net income/ avg asset
Nim. Net interest margin
Net interest income / avg earning assets
Provision expense/ avg assets
Level trend peer why
What do you do when you analyze a ratio
When looking at reports
Reg b
Equal credit opportunity act. Ecoa
Reg c
Home mortgage disclosure act hmda
Reg z
Truth in lending act - tila