Frazenn ha gerioù (kentel 9-12) Flashcards
Lâr (lavar) din petra zo er yenerez.
Tell me what’s in the fridge.
Kig zo, vioù zo ivez.
There’s meat, also eggs.
Pet vi zo?
How many eggs are there?
Tri vi zo. Laezh zo ivez.
There’re three eggs. There’s also milk.
Tomatez zo?
N’eus ket.
Are there tomatoes?
There aren’t any.
Ro din ar pebr hag an holen.
Give me the pepper and the salt.
N’eus ket pebr. Ha n’eus ket holen ivez er yenerez.
There’s no pepper. And there’s no salt either in the fridge.
War ar yenerez ez eus.
They are on the fridge. (N’hi ha a dalt de la nevera.)
Ac’hanta, mat eo ar boued?
Well then (eh bien donc!), is the food good?
Try, taste!
N’eo ket fall… Aiou! Kalz pebr zo! Pelec’h emañ an dour?
Er yenerez, paotr.
It’s not bad… Eew! There’s a lot of pepper! Where’s the water?
In the fridge, kid!
Petra zo ganit?
What do you have with you?
Petra zo ganin? Ur sac’h. Ur sac’had boued.
What do I have with me? A bag. A bag full of food.
Ha petra zo e-barzh?
And what is inside?
Kalz traoù zo: ur voestad piz bihan, ur voutailh laezh, ur pakad kafe, bara, orañjez.
There’re a lot of things: a can (box) of peas, a bottle of milk, a packet of coffee, bread, oranges.
Sell! Sell ouzh Gwenola ‘ta!
Look! Look at (contre) Gwenola!
Petra zo ganti?
What does she have with her? What’s she wearing?
Ur sae ruz zo ganti.
She has a red dress with her. She’s wearing a red dress.
Ya, ur sae ruz ha berr.
Yes, a red and short dress.
ganin, ganit, gantañ, ganti
ganimp (ganeomp), ganeo’ch, ganto (gante)
with me/you/him/her
with us/you/them
how many
piz bihan
N’emañ ket an hini bras sot ganti hiziv.
There isn’t the big crazy one with her today.
Dit eo ar sac’had patatez-mañ?
Is this bag of potatoes yours?
Pelec’h emañ ar voutailhad?
Where’s the bottle? (If you want to drink.)
Sell ouzh ar pennad blev melen brav-se
Look at that head full of beautiful blond hair.
Ur voestad chokolad, mar plij.
A box of chocolates, please.
Kemer ar plad lous.
Take the dirty plate.
Hemañ eo ar podad laezh.
This one here is the pot full of milk.
Un tiad paotred ha merc’hed fur zo amañ.
Here there’s a house full of well-behaved boys and girls.
Yen-yen eo an amzer.
It’s very cold.
Pet eur eo?
What time is it?
Unnek eur eo.
It’s 11 o’clock.
N’eo nemet unnek eur?
It’s only 11 o’clock?
Unnek eur ha kard eo.
It’s a quarter past 11.
Ma, n’eo ket kresiteiz c’hoazh.
Well, it’s not noon yet.
Pegement zo e-barzh ar c’hef? (kef)
How much is it inside the box (caisse)?