Frases Útiles 2 Flashcards
Inasmuch as, being as
Puesto que
Interjection: wait a moment!
En seguida.
Tonto(a) de remate
Stupid to an extreme degree
Hasta el rabo, todo es toro
Until it’s the tail, it’s all bull
Tomar el pelo
to take hold of the hair
*means to pull someone’s leg
Mas cara que espalda
More face than back
*means to have a little cheek, or be too big for your britches
Corto de luces
Short of lights
*means not the brightest bulb
Mas feo que Falla
Uglier than spanish composer Manuel de Falla (was a face on peseta)
- means someone is jovial, or perpetually in a good mood (*spain only)
- Use with Ser only, with Estar it means horny!
When you hand someone something, you’ll say to them, coge, which just means “here, take it.”
You use coger, for example, to say Esta mañana cogi el autobús (“This morning I caught the bus”).
- means “something pertaining to pigs”
- used for anything similar to a smelly pile of garbage
es que
it’s just that
Por esta razón
for this reason
por un lado
on one hand
en definitiva
in short
en resumen
in conclusion
also/ likewise
o sea
in other words
¿Qué te parece?
What do you think?
(A mí) me parece que…
I think that…
comparado con
compared with
en primer lugar
in the first place
“Bueno, no es lo que queria decir”
Well, that’s not what I meant to say
“Bueno, tengo que ir
Well, I have to go.
Haz de cuenta que…
Imagine that…
Pretend that…
¿qué harías?”
What would you do?
La verdad es que…
the truth is that…
“Luego lo hago”
I’ll do it later
Currently, these days, at the moment
A Propósito / Por Cierto
“A propósito, ¿sabes dónde está María?” =
By the way
“By the way, do you know where Maria is?”
Por lo menos
at least
“¡Por fin! ¡Estás aqui!” =
“Finally! You’re here!”
Es que…
“It’s that…” or “It’s such that…” or “The thing is that”…
Lo que pasa es que…
“What’s happening is that…” or “What’s going on is…”, that’s it.
-It can be used anytime “Es que…” can, which means pretty much any time.
Resulta que
It turns out that…
It works out that…
Así Que
“So” when used at the beginning of a sentence
ex: such as “So, you think I’m fat?” would be “¿Así que crees que estoy gordo?”
“¡Ni modo que vaya a hablar con ella!”
Like hell I’m going to talk to her!
Ni modo que…
No way that… No way in hell..
“Ni modo que yo pueda ir contigo, lo siento” = “No way can I go with you, sorry.” NOT used on its own, subjunctive
Menos Mal Que
Good thing that…
Just as well that…
Fíjate Que
“Look”, “Look here, …”, or “Look at that…”, etc.
“Fijar” means “to fix” in the sense of to focus or fixate on something, not as in “to repair”
Watch Out! Look Out!
…fijar without the “que” means “Watch out!”, “Look out!”, or “Pay attention, …”
Con Razón
No wonder…
Little wonder that…
En fin
“Well, anyway…” or “So, anyhow…”
Por eso
That’s why…
So it turns out that
“Pues, total que no me levanté a tiempo esta mañana.” =
“Well, turns out that I didn’t wake up on time this morning.”
“Pueesss, vale, vamos a ver lo que tenemos aquí…” =
“Wellll, ok, let’s see what we’ve got here
Ya no viene
He’s not coming anymore.
“La verdad es que ya quiero salir
Actually, I already want to leave.
Abreme espacio / Abreme cancha
Give me some space
Hágase un poco para allá, por favor
Move over a little, please.
“Buen provecho” or just “Provecho”
Bon appetit
-say when someone is eating
to blind with rage
cegado, -a por la ira
hardly ever
casi nunca
casi nada!
get going!
almost always goes
casi siempre va
No te pongas asi
don’t get like that
No vale la pena
It’s not worth it
Me recuerda algo
It reminds me of something