France Lecture Flashcards
what was national front?
coalition of communists, socialists and radicals
Leon Blum
when does the French govt leave Paris and city declared open?
June 1940
How much of the country is occupied?
northern half- direct Nazi control
south- Vichy, Petain
How much was paid to the Wehrmacht?
400 million Francs
what did the Reich demand?
arms factories, steelworks, the automobile industry and the coal mines must work for the Reich
Formally independent.
700 suspected German spies.
contact with Britain and resistance.
Laws left in place.
Cooperation continued until liberation
Pierre Laval?
Head of govt 1942-44.
signed orders for the deportation of Jews.
Tried and executed in 1945.
De Gaulle?
rejected Petain’s armistice.
escaped to Britain and rallies French to resist.
founds Free French Forces in 1940 in London.
national assembly grants Petain power to issue new constitution.
Laval declares republic ceases to exist.
ration cards for bread and meat.
Vichy issues status of Jews
first mass deportation of Jews to Auschwitz.
hostage law.
second law on status of Jews
Nazi/Vichy policies?
preference for French to rule in France.
govt to work with Nazis.
Anti-Popular Front.
French North Africa
claimed to have defeated fascism.
sense of legitimacy- anti-fascist resistance.
France liberated by French
communist vs nationalist?
Vichy distinguished between dangerous, treasonous, political subversion, and patriotic resistance.
Miner’s Strike 1941?
supplies to cities halted.
German troops, arrests, martial law.
strike leaders in hiding.
500 arrested.
100 executed.
Guy Moquet?
PCF resistance.
arrested distributing propaganda.
Hitler asked for 100 executions, military commander ordered 50.
Communists suggested.
Guy executed.
How many Jews in France in 1939?
How many Jews deported from France?
75,000 (6,000 children)
Ceuz de la Liberation?
right-wing, nationalist party.
La Rocque- he began to transmit info to alibi network. Formed the Klan Network which coordinated intelligence among PSF members.
Arrested by Gestapo and deported.
National Front?
Jacques Duclos and Pierre Villon leaders.
Both PCF.
Catholics and religious resisters.
Liberation Sud?
Graffiti, then manifestos, then underground paper
Created in Vichy France.
Became Gaullist after 1941.
Went underground after south occupied.
Affaire Continent 1941?
Combat infiltrated by Abwehr in the north.
47 arrested.
23 sentenced to death.
foreign resisters?
Migrant Jews from eastern Europe.
Spanish republicans.
Maquis- socialists and communists from IBs
1943- hope and debarquement?
allied landing expected.
Stalingrad in Feb, Fall of Mussolini in July.
Uprising of Corsican resistance (liberation in October)
End of Vichy?
27th November 1942
100k of French Army to be disarmed and dissolved
Jean Moulin?
Prefet of a department.
Vichy asked prefets to dismiss left-wing elected mayors, he refused.
He was removed from office for this.
Liberation Sud.
During transport Lucie led attack on truck.
3 killed.
SOE first to London then to Algeria.
What were the sections of SOE?
F section (British control).
RF section (linked to De Gaulle govt in exile), most French agents served here.
Who was credited with the invention of coded messages?
Georges Begue, first SOE agent.
SOE’s women?
39 female agents in F section.
Operation Jedburgh?
SOE mission.
To support D-Day.
100 men dropped.
coordinate overt acts of resistance.
6,000 tons of military equipment.
Liberation of Paris?
25th August 1944