FRA: multinational operations Flashcards
Types of FX rates for the sake of FRA
1) Current - on the date of reporting
2) Average - average on the reporting period
3) Historical - on the date of transaction
When different methods apply?
1) Local -> functional, decision-making is centralized: temporal method
2) Functional -> presentation, subsidiary company is relatively independent: current rate
3) Hyperinflation: temporal (GAAP) or current rate (IFRS)
Current rate method description
1) PnL items - average rate
2) BL items - current rate, so only net exposure (usually positive) matters
3) Exceptions (historical rate) - common stock and dividends
4) Translation gains and losses are reported in shareholder’s equity (CTA), that is why it is better to start translation with PnL
Temporal method description
1) Monetary assets and liabilities - current rate. Given that almost all assets are not monetary, while most of liabilities (expect deferred revenue) are, the net position is usually negative
2) Non-monetary assets and liabilities - historical rate
3) PnL items - average rate expect for those related to monetary assets (historical rates)
4) Translation gains and losses are reported on PnL, that is why it is better to start from translation with BS
What is hyperinflation
When commutative inflation exceeds 100% in 3 years
- 26% a year
What is restating for hyperinflation?
Multiplying certain items on the price index (end-of-year / average-of-year) under IFRS:
1) Non-monetary assets and liabilities
2) Components of shareholder’s equity (other than RE)
3) PnL items
What is clean-surplus accounting?
Including gain and losses reported in shareholders’ equity on PnL for the sake of analysis